• 9 years ago
| Confirmed Episode Names |\r
The Last Episodes of Season 3:\r
Episode 8: Apple Family Reunion. (Return of the Apple Family).\r
Episode 9: Spike at Your Service. (Return of the Timberwolves CONFIMRED).\r
Episode 10: Keep Calm and Flutter On. (Return of Discord CONFIMED).\r
Episode 11: Just for Sidekicks.\r
Episode 12: Games Ponies Play (If written by Meghan McCarthy, I predict Changelings).\r
Episode 13: Magical Mystery Cure (When Twilight Sparkles spell swaps everyponies Cutie Marks and thus the destinies of everypony, she becomes a princess. The resulting event is the collapse of Ponyville as everypony has different special talents, even Celestia. CONFIRMED).\r
Episode 13 was originally called Princess Coronation: \r
#Update# \r
Alicorn Twilight is now CONFIRMED. \r
See will not permanently be an alicorn, nopony will die, and everything will be back to normal by the end credits. =P\r
| Season 3 Confimations |\r
Return of Discord.\r
Twilight Sparkle as an alicorn princess.\r
| Season 3 Rumours |\r
Octavia in a duet with Rarity.\r
Fluttershy as a Dragon.\r
Return of King Sombra. \r
| Transcript | Walkthrough of Video | \r
# Flashback # \r
Rainbow Dash: I hope I never see you again! \r
Fluttershy: Me too! \r
Pinkie Pie: Fine!\r
Rainbow Dash: Fıne! \r
Twilight Sparkle: Its settled then.\r
# Flashback #\r
Twilight Sparkle: It cant be. \r
Star Swirl the Bearded: Oh but it is Twilight. \r
*Star Swirl the Bearded with his cloak and bells*\r
*Discord escaping his stone tomb* \r
*The sun being blotted out of the sky*\r
Princess Celestia: King Sombra has took over Ponyville. (Will King Sombra return?)\r
Twilight Sparkle: Star Swirl the Bearded. the only way to prevent this disaster is to stop time.\r
*Twilight using Shadow Magic*\r
*Fluttershys cyan eye but as a dragon* \r
Zecora: You must use the six. \r
*Rainbow Dash been hypnotised with Stars in the background followed by a Swirl in the Canterlot Labyrinth.* \r
Applejack: The Applejack Family reunion* (Season 3 - Episode 8) \r
Discord: Did you miss me Twilight Sparkle? I certainly missed you. I think. maybe. youre facing the inevitable. \r
*Discord stood infront of destroyed Canterlot.* (Is this the inevitable fate of Canterlot? Is Discord showing somepony the future?) \r
*King Sombras horn flying off when hes defeated* (Does this foreshadow his return?)\r
King Sombra: Sometimes its easy to take.\r
*Alicorn amulet.* (Notice the eyes, is Trixie is working for King Sombra?)\r
*Rainbow Dash flying as a Wonderbolt!* \r
Princess Luna: Everypony has fears. \r
*Twilight Sparkle looking at her worst fear* \r
Princess Luna: .Everypony must face them in their own way. \r
*Rainbow Dash fighting King Sombra as a black shadow.*\r
Spike: Oh no, what happened to Ponyville? This is terrible, whatre we gonna do? \r
Rainbow Dash: Nöo! \r
*Windigoes surrounding Canterlot!* \r
Spike: Twilight!!\r
*Princess Cadance looking at a Windigo flying past*\r
*Timberwolves* (Season 3 - Episode 9)\r
Twilight Sparkle: Princess Celestia!\r
*Princess Celestia using her magic in a flash of white.* \r
Theres a theory that Discord is Star Swirl the Bearded. \r
I believe that clears everything up. Still, its a reference to Starswirl the Bearded, were making progress! \r
Since the minority dont read the description anymore, Ive added Fanmade into the Title. \r
All the predictions shown in this video and description are clearly based upon conjecture, rumours and announcements and only represents what could happen, not what will happen as its contents and description were released before Season 3 - Episode 8. All my trailers are made for fun, not to fool anyone. \r
You wont find these elsewhere because I animated them: The part where Discord is standing infront of Canterlot destroyed. The part of Sombra taking over Ponyville, the eye colour of the dragon, the Windigoes around Canterlot, the moving bells on the starry cloak near the start, Rainbow Dash moving with the Wonderbolts, the Windigo moving infront of Princess Cadance, the eyes of King Sombra looking at the Alicorn Necklace. I like to add my own work. \r
My Little Pony ©Hasbro, the HUB and all related subsequent stakeholders.


