• 9 years ago
Oh 3! You magical number, you. You are the number of tricycles, blind mice, and little kittens! What a pleasure it is to to count to you. Such a comfort passing ...

Number five - dive in and count to five - one, two, three, four, five! Subscribe to the Sesame Street Channel here: ...

The Count counts to the number six, or "shesh," in Hebrew. For more videos, games, and parent resources, check out: From the ...

Still don't own this. It belongs to Sesame Street.

I don't own this. Sesame Street does.

Still don't own this. Belongs to Sesame Street.

Two, how we love you! You're not just one plus one, but so much more. You're 7- 5, and 100-98. You're also the number of friendship, love, and all around good ...

Number 4, you're what our hearts beat four. You're the number of squares and rectangles and rock and roll. Its so fun to count you , I think that's why musicians ...

Here is another video that I taped back in circa 1990. Notice that this was even before Joel had his Hair long and Claude *had* hair :) Take 6 Sings The number ...

Don't own this. All rights belong to Sesame Street.

Bert's favorite number is six! Six is one more than the number of fingers on your hand and one less than the number of days in a week. Do you have a favorite ...

Count Von Count playing the organ.

Still don't own this. All rights belong to Sesame Street.

Number 1! Number 1! Number 1! You might be wondering who: who is number 1? And the answer is simple: number 1! Number 1 is such a great number.

I don't own this. All rights belong to Sesame Street.

If you're watching videos with your preschooler and would like to do so in a safe, child-friendly environment, please join us at The ...

Sesame Street owns this, not me.

Number Six! Hop and kick to the number six—one, two three, four, five, six! Subscribe to the Sesame Street Channel here: ...

I don't own this. It belongs to Sesame Street.

Do not own this. Sesame Street does.

This time, they guy carrying all those dishes didn't fall. You might recognize this sketch from the episode which featured The Bellhop #20 cartoon and the sketch ...

Sesame Street owns this.

The Count shows us the Number of the Day, 13. Subscribe to the Sesame Street Channel here: ...

Requested by GroverKent. This one is interesting because it's done mostly in song.

Sesame Street: Number Six (Number of the Day Song)

Sesame Street: Number Six (Number of the Day Song)
