Credits & Thanks to JanSSJ3 for the Mod Dragon Ball Xenoverse (PC): Frieza Transforms Into Golden Frieza Gameplay [MOD] 60FPS 1080p.
Credits & Thanks to imxan for the Mods Dragon Ball Xenoverse (PC): Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan Goku [SSGSS] Vs Golden Frieza /Freeza from from .
Credits & Thanks to mastaklo for the Mods Dragon Ball Xenoverse (PC): Golden Frieza from Dragon Ball Z: Fukkatsu no .
Credits & Thanks to mastaklo for the Mod Cutscene but Gameplay is official ingame Golden Frieza Dragon Ball .
Credits & Thanks to imxan for the Mods Dragon Ball Xenoverse (PC): Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan Goku [SSGSS] Vs Golden Frieza /Freeza from from .
Credits & Thanks to mastaklo for the Mods Dragon Ball Xenoverse (PC): Golden Frieza from Dragon Ball Z: Fukkatsu no .
Credits & Thanks to mastaklo for the Mod Cutscene but Gameplay is official ingame Golden Frieza Dragon Ball .
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