• 9 年前
The Toy Park brings you the Disney Frozen Surprise Egg Unboxing! Weve opened 5 surprise eggs altogether. We can get anything from Queen Elsa, Princes Anna, Bulda, Olaf, Sven, Kristoff, and more! Lets have look together and see what surprises weve got today!\r
Watch more surprise egg videos in our fun playlist: \r
Frozen is a Disney film. the Snow Queen is also called: \r
アナと雪の女王, 겨울왕국, 冰雪奇缘, 디즈니 냉동, ディズニー冷凍, Замръзналото кралство O Reino do Gelo Die Eiskönigin Völlig unverfroren La Reine des neiges Il regno di ghiaccio Холодное сердце Kraina lodu 冰雪奇缘 Regatul de gheață Karlar Ülkesi Крижане серце Frozen Uma Aventura Congelante Disney Κατεψυγμένα Дисней Замороженные El Reino del Hielo Una aventura congelada.\r
Heres how Princess is called in other languages: Princesas Disney, Princesses Disney, Disney Prinzessinnen, Principesse Disney, Princesas da Disney, Disney πριγκίπισσες, Дисней принцесс, 디즈니 공주, Prinses, ディズニーのお姫様, Vorstin, koningsdochter, Prinzessin, Fürstin, πριγκίπισσα, principessa, księżniczka, królewna, принцесса.


