Scooby-Doo and the Goblin King follows that lovable Great Dane Scooby-Doo and his pal Shaggy as they try to stop a second-rate, carnival magician named the Amazing Krudsky (Wayne Knight) from turning everyone into horrible Halloween monsters, after he steals the light magic from Princess Fairy Willow (Hayden Panettiere). Scooby-Doo and Shaggy board the Grim Reaper Railroad, which is bound for the fantastic world of Halloween land to retrieve the powerful Goblin scepter from the Goblin King (Tim Curry), before Krudsky can. Along the way, the Mystery Inc. crew encounters several enchanting creatures such as the infamous Headless Horseman, the helpful Jack OLantern and a frisky broomstick that take them on the ride of their life. The film also features the voice talents of Jay Leno, Lauren Becall, Lary Joe Campbell, Wayne Knight, Wally Shawn, Russi Taylor and Thom Adcox.