• 8 years ago
Local media said it was found by two residents next to the River Kovashi in the Russian town of Sosnovy Bor, which was built in the 1950s to serve the ...

Policía rusos han hecho un descubrimiento escalofriante en un laboratorio de patología abandonada en el oeste de Siberia. Se inició una investigación ...

Hibernating but alive, creature found in salt mine in Poland. Same as what they are finding in South America and Russia. It burrows into animals and puppets ...

All over Russia strange creatures like the one in this video are being found in lakes. Could this be a new species of fresh water ...

With its distended skull, elongated body and talon-like feet, it looks like something straight out of the sci-fi film Alien. The reported discovery of this 'tiny alien ...

GIANT!! RUSSIAN BIGFOOT!! STRANGE CREATURE SIGHTING!! - (2010) - HD Watch in HD! Location: Russia "Chuchunya is a hominid cryptid rumored to exist ...

top 10 most bizarre animals that remain a mystery to the world. Subscribe to our channel: Other Videos You Might Like 10 Mysterious ...

By request, the rather bad video of a strange creature crawling up a building in Russia.

The remains of a giant sea creature with a bird-like 'beak' and fur on its tail have been washed up in the Russian Far East. Scientists have yet to identify the ...

Seeing this video many times, to check if someone made that up or understand what it is, is no use; This is a living creature jumped from a tree, jumped out of ...

This creature was found by Russian soldiers on Sakhalin shoreline. Sakhalin area is situated near to Japan, it's the most eastern part of Russia, almost 5000 ...

This video was labeled as a "Bigfoot" video, but whatever it is, it does not look anything like Bigfoot.

It may an alien falling from the sky, It may a some kind of creature floated on after Tsunami. Who knows... The facts is there must be some living unidentified living ...

Mobile phone camera, images shot in Moscow, Russia on building a strange spider-like creature is seen descending down. Strange creature descending from ...

Credits: Unnatural Situation ...

The carcass of a mysterious sea creature has washed ashore in eastern Russia, but its identity remains under debate and adding to the intrigue is that the ...

Strange Sea Creature Washed Up: Huge unidentified sea monster with a bird-like "beak" washed up in Russia. The c arcass of the sea "mutant" appeared on a ...

Interesting footage of an unknown creatur

Strange creature found in Russia

Strange creature found in Russia


