• 9 years ago
2014 Chevrolet Camaro V6 STOCK EXHAUST VS MRT Axle Back Exhaust version 1. Take a look at it just sitting still. The strong, bold prominence of the .
2014 Chevrolet Camaro V6 MRT Axle Back Exhaust version 1. Take a look at it just sitting still. The strong, bold prominence of the redesigned front and rear .
2010 Chevrolet Camaro RS In December of 2011 I had the MRT v2.0 Exhaust installed. Its much lighter than the stock mufflers and gives the Camaro a great .
2010 1LT Camaro - Synergy Green Metallic Special Edition MRT V1 Axle Back Exhaust System Cold Start and Revs Patiently Waiting For Spring! December .


