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Vine is a short-form video sharing service where users can share six-second-long looping video clips. The service was founded in June 2012, and American microblogging website Twitter acquired it in October 2012, just before its official launch. Users videos are published through Vines social network and can be shared on other services such as Facebook and Twitter. Vines app can also be used to browse through videos posted by other users, along with groups of videos by theme, and trending, or popular, videos.\r
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Also Check Out:\r
Slim Thick With Yo Cute Ass Vine Compilation - Slim Thick With Yo Cute Ass Remakes part 2\r
My Ding A Ling Remix Challenge Vine Compilation #mydingaling #dingaling\r
Relationship Problems (Funny) Vine Compilation #relationshipproblems\r
Ritz Carlton Ran Off On The Plug Twice Vine Compilation #plies #ranoffontheplugtwice\r
Seducing Gone Wrong Vine Compilation\r
best Loren Beech musical\r
Im Ballin Challenge Vine Compilation #imballin #imballinchallenge\r
Funny Vines of January 2016 VINE COMPILATION\r
Best Typical Movine Line Vines #typicalmovielines\r
Hoverboard Fails Vine Compilation \r
Funny Football Moments 2015 Fails\r
Musically App Vines Musical\r
Best Funny Vines of 2015 \r
Kiss Cam Vine Compilation 2016\r
T Wayne - Swing My Arms Challenge Vine Compilation - Best Swing My Arms Around VInes #swingmyarmschallenge\r
Slim Thick With Yo Cute Ass Vine Compilation - Slim Thick With Yo Cute Ass Remakes HD 1\r
Hit the Quan Challenge VINES Compilation - Hit the Quan Challenge Dance Vines Compilation HD \r
Playlist of Fails\r
Playlist of Dance\r
Playlist of Dubsmash\r
Playlist of Vines\r
Playlist of Sport\r
Playlist of People Are Awesome\r
Playlist of Prank\r
Playlist of Funny\r
Playlist of Thug Life\r
Playlist of challenge Compilation\r
Vine is a short-form video sharing service where users can share six-second-long looping video clips. The service was founded in June 2012, and American microblogging website Twitter acquired it in October 2012, just before its official launch. Users videos are published through Vines social network and can be shared on other services such as Facebook and Twitter. Vines app can also be used to browse through videos posted by other users, along with groups of videos by theme, and trending, or popular, videos.\r
Also you can :\r
Subscribe our channel : \r
Add to your circles G+ : \r
Like us on Facebook : \r
Follow us on Twitter : \r
Vine : \r
Also Check Out:\r
Slim Thick With Yo Cute Ass Vine Compilation - Slim Thick With Yo Cute Ass Remakes part 2\r
My Ding A Ling Remix Challenge Vine Compilation #mydingaling #dingaling\r
Relationship Problems (Funny) Vine Compilation #relationshipproblems\r
Ritz Carlton Ran Off On The Plug Twice Vine Compilation #plies #ranoffontheplugtwice\r
Seducing Gone Wrong Vine Compilation\r
best Loren Beech musical\r
Im Ballin Challenge Vine Compilation #imballin #imballinchallenge\r
Funny Vines of January 2016 VINE COMPILATION\r
Best Typical Movine Line Vines #typicalmovielines\r
Hoverboard Fails Vine Compilation \r
Funny Football Moments 2015 Fails\r
Musically App Vines Musical\r
Best Funny Vines of 2015 \r
Kiss Cam Vine Compilation 2016\r
T Wayne - Swing My Arms Challenge Vine Compilation - Best Swing My Arms Around VInes #swingmyarmschallenge\r
Slim Thick With Yo Cute Ass Vine Compilation - Slim Thick With Yo Cute Ass Remakes HD 1\r
Hit the Quan Challenge VINES Compilation - Hit the Quan Challenge Dance Vines Compilation HD \r
Playlist of Fails\r
Playlist of Dance\r
Playlist of Dubsmash\r
Playlist of Vines\r
Playlist of Sport\r
Playlist of People Are Awesome\r
Playlist of Prank\r
Playlist of Funny\r
Playlist of Thug Life\r
Playlist of challenge Compilation\r
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