• 9 years ago
Works on: Faust, Sol, Ky, Chipp, Pot, Slayer, Axl, Venom, Bedman Works without dp ender: Millia, Ino, Ramlethal(connects but OTG) Works up to bringer: May ...

720p 60fps 1:Kor2K>S>2D>BRrc>jD>F>s.GF>S>jD>砕>6P>BR 対応:SOL. Ky. May. Chipp. Elphelt. Millia. Faust. Sin. Potemkin. Slayer. I-NO.

Far range midscreen CH 2D confirm on Bedman. You can adjust the air combo for more damage but the one I show ensures you don't put yourself in corner.

[Sol Combo] BedMan

[Sol Combo] BedMan


