Masha and the Bear (Russian: Маша и Медведь, Masha i Medved) is a Russian childrens animated television series about the adventures of a girl named Masha and an anthropomorphic Bear. In the series, Masha is a precocious, happy, kind, and mischievous little girl, while the Bear is a retired circus performer who tries to keep Masha out of trouble but often ends up the unintended victim of her mischievous ways. There are a number of supporting characters in the series, including Mashas twin sister, a Penguin adopted by the Bear, a Tiger who worked with the Bear in the circus, and a Female Bear who is the object of the Bears affections, along with a Rabbit, a Squirrel, and Two Wolves who live near the Bears house.\r
Genre Adventure, Comedy\r
Created by Oleg Kuzovkov\r
Country of origin Russia\r
Original language(s) \r
No. of episodes 48
Genre Adventure, Comedy\r
Created by Oleg Kuzovkov\r
Country of origin Russia\r
Original language(s) \r
No. of episodes 48