Here is the download link for Pokémon Ash Gray 4.5:\r
Pokemon Fire Red Rom:\r
Lunar IPS:\r
Episode 86 The Lost Lapras\r
The blimp crash-lands on another island. As Ash and Misty exit the wreck, Misty fears its a deserted island and they will have to eat bugs and berries. Suddenly, a group of elderly tourists walk by. Ash and Misty eventually find an exit. They find out that island isnt deserted and that they were in Pokémon Park on Tangelo Island.\r
They stroll along the beach city when they notice a Lapras on the beach. Three guys are verbally and physically abusing it, one hitting it with a stick. Ash confront the three guys, which quickly grows hostile as the guys reveal that they want the Lapras so they can use it to battle the Orange Crew. The three guys send out Spearow, Hitmonchan and Beedrill. Ash pits Pikachu against all three. After a while someone calls out for them to stop. He quickly points out that the Pokemon the three guys not well trained and they left..\r
At the Pokémon Center, Nurse Joy concludes that Lapras only needs a rest, but she reveals that it is afraid to have any human contact, probably based on how the three guys were abusing it. The watcher introduces himself as Tracey. Meanwhile, Team Rocket watch nearby and decide to steal Lapras.\r
Ash protects Lapras from Team Rocket. After Team Rocket is blasting off again, Lapras appears comfortable around Ash and it wants to join on Ash journey. Tracey joins Ash and Misty as they leave Tangelo Island, with Ashs intention of earning his first Orange League Badge.\r
Episode 87:
Pokemon Fire Red Rom:\r
Lunar IPS:\r
Episode 86 The Lost Lapras\r
The blimp crash-lands on another island. As Ash and Misty exit the wreck, Misty fears its a deserted island and they will have to eat bugs and berries. Suddenly, a group of elderly tourists walk by. Ash and Misty eventually find an exit. They find out that island isnt deserted and that they were in Pokémon Park on Tangelo Island.\r
They stroll along the beach city when they notice a Lapras on the beach. Three guys are verbally and physically abusing it, one hitting it with a stick. Ash confront the three guys, which quickly grows hostile as the guys reveal that they want the Lapras so they can use it to battle the Orange Crew. The three guys send out Spearow, Hitmonchan and Beedrill. Ash pits Pikachu against all three. After a while someone calls out for them to stop. He quickly points out that the Pokemon the three guys not well trained and they left..\r
At the Pokémon Center, Nurse Joy concludes that Lapras only needs a rest, but she reveals that it is afraid to have any human contact, probably based on how the three guys were abusing it. The watcher introduces himself as Tracey. Meanwhile, Team Rocket watch nearby and decide to steal Lapras.\r
Ash protects Lapras from Team Rocket. After Team Rocket is blasting off again, Lapras appears comfortable around Ash and it wants to join on Ash journey. Tracey joins Ash and Misty as they leave Tangelo Island, with Ashs intention of earning his first Orange League Badge.\r
Episode 87: