NCBC Belgian Blue bull Adajio De Bray (AJY)
Born Sunday.Sired by ABS/Genus Belgian Blue - Ullllysses. The Belgian blue breed produces a quality beef calf.
Wexford Bulls - Belgian Blue.
These crazy cows will blow your mind... but do they taste just as good as regular old Black angus? Watch the longer version of the video with more info at ...
Check out this Belgian blue bull - all muscle, no fat... A clip from Bigger, Stronger, Faster, coming out May 30, 2008!!
Meet the Largest Cows in the World. These super cows look like they are either on steroids or ate away entire farms. These giant cows are massive in size.
Big Black pedigree Belgian Blue bull.
A lovely heifer calf being born, nice easy birth and a healthy calf, she is out of our Belgian Blue x Cow (Elsie) and her dad is our Limousin Bull (Rhino)
Raza Bovina de Belgica
Don Douglas, owner of D&H Cattle Company in Pauls Valley talks about the dual impact of Belgium Blue Cattle for Oklahoma's beef industry. The cattle provide ...
Check out a clip from the movie Bigger, Stronger, Faster releasing May 30, 2008.
BBB; Blanc Blue Belge; Belgian Blue White Cows; Cows; BBB; Belgium.
Belga Azul o Boi Mais Forte do Mundo ........................................................................................... Deixe um Joinha e Inscreva-se : ................
Clip of a Belgian Blue Bull that has clearly been given steroids. From the documentary Bigger, Stronger, Faster. In theaters May 30th, 2008.
Carrick belgian Blue X Classes 2011.
Irish Belgian blue. Spring time, hes resting. Few more cattle in the background. Grazing with other cattle. Good stock, Valuable, large is size, fast and powerful.
бельгийский синей расы крупного рогатого скота As the name implies, Belgian Blue cattle originated in central and upper Belgium. During the second half...
Cow 156 also known as big fat mamma calving a Belgian Blue bull calf yesterday. She was not making any progress with calving so gave some help with the ...
These crazy cows will blow your mind... but do they taste just as good as regular old Black angus? WHERE YOU CAN BUY A BLUE BULL STEAK ...
If Arnold Schwarzenegger had a pet cow, I can almost guarantee it would be a Belgian Blue. These cows are incredibly muscled and have very little fat.
Belgian Blue cattle in Kilcullen co kildare. Ireland.
Super Cow on Steroids? The Barry Bonds of Bulls? The gigantic super cows are massive and full of muscle like advanced body buil
Belgian Blue Bull
Belgian Blue Bull
Born Sunday.Sired by ABS/Genus Belgian Blue - Ullllysses. The Belgian blue breed produces a quality beef calf.
Wexford Bulls - Belgian Blue.
These crazy cows will blow your mind... but do they taste just as good as regular old Black angus? Watch the longer version of the video with more info at ...
Check out this Belgian blue bull - all muscle, no fat... A clip from Bigger, Stronger, Faster, coming out May 30, 2008!!
Meet the Largest Cows in the World. These super cows look like they are either on steroids or ate away entire farms. These giant cows are massive in size.
Big Black pedigree Belgian Blue bull.
A lovely heifer calf being born, nice easy birth and a healthy calf, she is out of our Belgian Blue x Cow (Elsie) and her dad is our Limousin Bull (Rhino)
Raza Bovina de Belgica
Don Douglas, owner of D&H Cattle Company in Pauls Valley talks about the dual impact of Belgium Blue Cattle for Oklahoma's beef industry. The cattle provide ...
Check out a clip from the movie Bigger, Stronger, Faster releasing May 30, 2008.
BBB; Blanc Blue Belge; Belgian Blue White Cows; Cows; BBB; Belgium.
Belga Azul o Boi Mais Forte do Mundo ........................................................................................... Deixe um Joinha e Inscreva-se : ................
Clip of a Belgian Blue Bull that has clearly been given steroids. From the documentary Bigger, Stronger, Faster. In theaters May 30th, 2008.
Carrick belgian Blue X Classes 2011.
Irish Belgian blue. Spring time, hes resting. Few more cattle in the background. Grazing with other cattle. Good stock, Valuable, large is size, fast and powerful.
бельгийский синей расы крупного рогатого скота As the name implies, Belgian Blue cattle originated in central and upper Belgium. During the second half...
Cow 156 also known as big fat mamma calving a Belgian Blue bull calf yesterday. She was not making any progress with calving so gave some help with the ...
These crazy cows will blow your mind... but do they taste just as good as regular old Black angus? WHERE YOU CAN BUY A BLUE BULL STEAK ...
If Arnold Schwarzenegger had a pet cow, I can almost guarantee it would be a Belgian Blue. These cows are incredibly muscled and have very little fat.
Belgian Blue cattle in Kilcullen co kildare. Ireland.
Super Cow on Steroids? The Barry Bonds of Bulls? The gigantic super cows are massive and full of muscle like advanced body buil
Belgian Blue Bull
Belgian Blue Bull