ADNAN OKTAR: There are references to the end times in Torah, which was revealed 4000 years ago. About the end times, but especially about now, these years that we are living. [Reading the Torah] “His adversaries shall be shattered”. Namely, people who pay no attention to Allah, religion, Islam, will be shattered. Idolators and people who alter Islam and the Quran... “He will thunder in the heavens”. In other words, bombardments and big explosions will be heard. “...the Lord shall judge the ends of the earth”; there will be disturbance all around the world. “...He shall give strength unto his king...”, “his King”, namely Moshiach, Mahdi (as). “...and exalt the horn of his anointed”; namely He will strengthen his power (1 Samuel, 2/10).
That is the feature of Prophet Jesus (as). He lightly rubs the hairs and faces of the people he loves. When he will meets Mahdi (as), he will anoint his hair with that holy olive oil
That is the feature of Prophet Jesus (as). He lightly rubs the hairs and faces of the people he loves. When he will meets Mahdi (as), he will anoint his hair with that holy olive oil