• 9 years ago
Dirt Rider gets a lot of access to the race team pits during the supercross season. It’s why we can give you detail shots of the trick parts, Pro Wrenching Secrets that we sometimes grab between qualifying sessions, and rider interviews. But every once in awhile a team welcomes us even further into their inner circle, and we get to venture even further back ‘behind the scenes.’ At the Anaheim 2 supercross this year Team Manager Jeremy Albrecht invited us to drop in on one of the meetings he has with the racers. The JGRMX team is unique in many ways, from having their own NASCAR race shop to create their own parts (not a NASCAR-type shop, an actual NASCAR race car building shop!), to bringing in outside sponsors to the sport, to selling many of their parts and services to the public. Of course we said yes to this quick peek at Jeremy talking to some of the racers before the night show.

