• 9 yıl önce
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,

Humpty Dumpty had a great fall;

Al th king’ horse and al th king’ men

Couldn’t put Humpty togethe again.

Humpty Dumpty only could drawl,

Humpty Dumpty learnt t crawl;

Al th king’ horse and al th king’ men

Couldn’t put Humpty togethe again.

Humpty Dumpty, had a good pal,

Humpty Dumpty wa taken on a yawl:

Forty fiv doctor and forty fiv nurses

Put Humpty togethe again (exclamation wit excitement)

Humpty Dumpty, had a big ball,

H and hi pal, played wit all,

Fifty year and Fifty more, But!

Humpty neve sat on th wall.


