Look at how tiny and cute he was. Chris Pratts audition for Andy Dwyer for Parks and Recreation back in 2008. From the Season 7 DVD Gag Reel.
Purchase full-length Paley Center DVD of this event here: Also on amazon instant video. Cast members Amy Poehler (Leslie Knope) and .
Chris Pratt doing a behind the scenes video on the season 2 parks and recreation dvd. This was four-five years ago and he was just cast as the lead in the new .
Purchase full-length Paley Center DVD of this event here: Also on amazon instant video. Series creator/executive producer Michael .
Purchase full-length Paley Center DVD of this event here: Also on amazon instant video. Cast members Amy Poehler (Leslie Knope) and .
Chris Pratt doing a behind the scenes video on the season 2 parks and recreation dvd. This was four-five years ago and he was just cast as the lead in the new .
Purchase full-length Paley Center DVD of this event here: Also on amazon instant video. Series creator/executive producer Michael .