The AMERICAN DREAMS cast reunites at ATX Television Festival for a screening of season 1 finale City on Fire plus a never-before-seen Season 3 alternate .\r
ATX Television Festivals screening of HART OF DIXIE season 2 finale On the Road Again was followed by a Q&A with creator Leila Gerstein and cast .\r
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ATX Teleivisons Festival screening of ROYAL PAINS season 5 premiere Hankwatch, followed by Q&A with cast and crew, including Andrew Lenchewski, .
ATX Television Festivals screening of HART OF DIXIE season 2 finale On the Road Again was followed by a Q&A with creator Leila Gerstein and cast .\r
- Get the hottest scoop on your favorite stars, TV shows, movies, and more! - Like us and join in .\r
ATX Teleivisons Festival screening of ROYAL PAINS season 5 premiere Hankwatch, followed by Q&A with cast and crew, including Andrew Lenchewski, .
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