• 10 years ago
Shoot Out at Big Sag (1962)
64 min | Drama, Western | 1 June 1962 (USA)

A man has his eyes set on controlling the Big Sag territory in Montana and hopes to achieve his goal by forcing a newly-arrived family from Texas from their land. Hoping to convince the local saloonkeeper to help him, the man sends his daughter into town with instructions for his potential partner. A storm waylays the daughter during her trip to town and she is forced to stay at the home of her father's intended victims, leading to an interesting turn or two.

Director: Roger Kay

Writers: Walter J. Coburn (story) (as Walt Coburn), Roger Kay (screenplay)

Stars: Walter Brennan, Leif Erickson, Luana Patten
00:00What do you make of that scissor bell outfit?
00:05Sure travelin'.
00:06Well, where they come from, they sure breed them for big bone.
00:10Even the sorry shark couldn't miss one of them things.
00:13And that in the lead looks like a turkey buzzard about to take off.
00:17You're getting your first look at that preacher hawker we've been hearing about.
00:22Packs a Bible in one pocket, six shooter in the other, just to balance the load.
00:27You reckon preacher Jay Hawker aims to run us off, Colonel?
00:30Maybe so.
00:31Well, what if we was to stop them for Jasper's in the tracks right now?
00:36Lee, we had a belly full of gunfightin'.
00:38Hey, let me talk to him when I get here, son.
00:45Yes, sir, Colonel.
00:52I'm preacher Hawker.
00:54This country's my range.
00:56The whole tit and caboodle of it, just as far as the eye can see.
01:01Now what's the meaning of this invasion, mister?
01:04I'm Sam Bobby from Texas.
01:06This here's my son, Lee.
01:08Well, don't you pull none of your Texican tricks on us hawkers.
01:11We outnumber you two to four.
01:13Not Texicans, preacher, Texans.
01:17Didn't you ever hear the Alamo?
01:18I just don't know what you mean about a Texan being outnumbered.
01:23We'll keep our cattle in the lower sag, you keep yours in the upper sag, that goes as
01:28she lays.
01:29Now, if you want an argument, we might as well have it right now, that's further on
01:35up the creek.
01:36You're pointing your gun at a man of the cloth.
01:39Behold ye a holy man, a voice crying in the wilderness.
01:44You find enemy, smite thee, turn the other cheek.
01:47Them's words from the holy scripture.
01:52If that big chaw in your mouth were to slip down your gullet, you'd choke down and die.
01:56Now you take them three whelps and git, and don't you come back after dark, or one of
02:02my cow punchers might pin a lightning bug on the end of a corn cob and run you hawkers
02:08plumb out of the country.
02:10Now git.
