• 10 years ago
The PCARI RESE2NSE project explores the concept of an open swarm hardware and software platform as a means to address energy and environmental monitoring — a challenge that is foremost in every country in the world, but even more outspokenly so in the developing countries. With a focus on smart energy usage and delivery, and dynamic environmental monitoring, the Swarm Vision creates an entirely new perspective that allows for increased scalability, reliability and extensibility of monitoring and operational sustainability of public energy utility systems.

In addition, the project is also aimed at developing new technologies that will use micro-fabrication technologies to enable low-cost, resilient, and scalable instrumentation of the power distribution infrastructure.

The Philippine-California Advanced Research Institutes (PCARI) research projects is a tie up with the University of California-Berkeley, as well as the University of the Philippines, and several local Philippine private universities to come up with various breakthrough innovations and products to cure major global illnesses, as well as solve information technology (IT) global challenges.

More information at http://www.up-microlab.org/rese2nse/ and at http://www.wazzuppilipinas.com

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