WANT TO ASK ME SOMETHING? Nows your chance! Leave a comment below and if I think its an interesting/informative question Ill answer it in an upcoming .\r
Hi Sweeties ♥ Questions such as why I wear so much makeup, how I grow out my nails & how I got my job at Bobbi Brown will be answered in this video (Y) .\r
I have a new job at Bobbi Brown! If you have any questions or queries leave them below in the comment section :) If you want to see how I did my makeup a .
Hi Sweeties ♥ Questions such as why I wear so much makeup, how I grow out my nails & how I got my job at Bobbi Brown will be answered in this video (Y) .\r
I have a new job at Bobbi Brown! If you have any questions or queries leave them below in the comment section :) If you want to see how I did my makeup a .
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