This is a comedy film. The movie is all around the matter of marriage. There is various well famed comedian actors have enrolled in the Film. The director tried to .\r
Kamla Tabbar is a comedy type film which main emphasis to get smile on everybodys lips. Basically, this film is designed to entertain the valuable audience by .\r
The film is entirely dedicate us to adopt all the things which may increase your parents respect and ignore or leaves all the tips which may keep distance .\r
Babu Chandigarhia ,Punjabi singer, Live show- Punjabi boliyan bhangra - Gidha group , contact , website . Producer : Roop Sarhandi - Gurdeep Singh Asstt.
Kamla Tabbar is a comedy type film which main emphasis to get smile on everybodys lips. Basically, this film is designed to entertain the valuable audience by .\r
The film is entirely dedicate us to adopt all the things which may increase your parents respect and ignore or leaves all the tips which may keep distance .\r
Babu Chandigarhia ,Punjabi singer, Live show- Punjabi boliyan bhangra - Gidha group , contact , website . Producer : Roop Sarhandi - Gurdeep Singh Asstt.
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