• 10年前
本期精彩 - 萌娃老爸钻木取火变身疯狂原始人!娜娜成新任小话唠征服康康,邹明轩遇美人鱼被吓哭!
Highlight: Fathers and the kids tried to drilling wood for fire. Xuan Xuan is scared of the mermaids.

Hunan TV's most popular show series "Dad, Where Are We Going" Season 3 finally arrives! The show features 5 celebrity dads bringing their lovely kids to go on a new travel adventure in a father-child bonding and cultural experience. "Dad, Where Are We Going" Season 3 will definitely crack you up all the time, while making you feel warm and fuzzy inside. This show will feature Liu Ye, Hu Jun, Zou Shiming, Lin Yongjiang, Christopher Downs, and their respective sons whose names are listed below:

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