• 10 years ago
This Baby Elephant Cant Figure Out How His Bath Tub Works. And Its Adorable++++++Double Trouble the baby elephant cant quite work out this whole personal hygiene thing. For baby elephants, its always play time.++++++This video comes from Elephantstay, a non-profit preserve and education center outside of Bangkok, Thailand. Visit their website to learn more.++++++-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+++Clumsy baby elephant loves bath time+++I love that he tries to steal the hose.++++++Cute baby elephant loves mud so much he even hustles the bigger elephants for a spot to play.++++++Check out his Baby Elephant taking a Bath, looks like he loves it. Beautiful video shot in Thailand courtesy of Claus Jørgensen.++++++Visit the Houston Zoos website at Now that spring is approaching and the temperatures are slowly rising,.++++++More Funny Baby Videos Subscribe on Channel BabyVidoes This is guaranteed to make you smile Baby bath time fun Funny baby video This is guaranteed to make yo.++++++Baby Elephant Bathing Double trouble


