• 10年前
本期精彩 - 老婆想养宠物到喊着要减肥等等的需求,老公赶快来学一下吧。
EP Highlight: Husbands should learn how to tackle situations like when their wives want to get a pet or go on a diet.

简介: 10月12日起,每周日至周四晚19:30,中国首档情感实验情景剧《恋家有方》,就在湖南卫视!再幸福的家也会有“一地鸡毛”的烦恼。看别人生活,为自己支招。
Introduction: “We Love Home” is the first experimental sitcom produced by Hunan TV. The show features how families find the key to happiness to create a harmonious home environment. “We Love Home” is released on October 12th, 2015 and updates on every Sunday through Thursday.

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