• 10 years ago
IULIAN ROMANIA europe migrant crisis hungary muslim refugee ^^^ Everybody criticize Hungary the United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon,Hungary neighbours Serbia,Romania,Croatia ,Austria also Germany ,Human Rights Organisations ,UNHCR even The Council of Europe has criticized Hungary in a new report, condemning xenophobia and violence against migrants and minorities !!! The IRONY is the hungarians MIGRATED from Asia into EUROPE !!! They traveled during their migrations from the east from Asia and eventually into what is present Hungary !!! From the upper Tisza region of the Carpathian Basin, the Hungarians intensified their looting raids across continental Europe. In 900, they moved from the upper Tisza river to Transdanubia (Pannonia),[citation needed] which later became the core of the arising Hungarian state. At the time of the Hungarian migration, the land was inhabited only by a sparse population of Slavs, numbering about 200,000,[ who were either assimilated or enslaved by the Hungarians !!! They are the only nation from Europe who migrated here from another continent !!! Hungary must RESPECT and OBEY all TREATIES signed and ratified : http://conventions.coe.int/Treaty/Commun/ListeTraites.asp?PO=HUN&MA=44&SI=2&DF=&CM=3&CL=ENG
