Actress Renne Jarrett of NANCY appears in this ad.Another classic 1960s commercial, this time for "Brylcreem", a product I do not know much about. Probably from 1965, and almost certainly public domain. Plus ...
If you have information about this video like voices or actors please leave a comment. Help document for the great archive.
Actress Renne Jarrett of NANCY appears in this ad.
for the product price, specification, and review - go to . ======= several keywords of this channel: promoting mickey mantle card ...
All it takes to get women to magically fondle you is to use Brylcreem - "A LITTLE DAB WILL DO YA." For more vintage pop culture, from the 1950's, 1960's & the ...
If you have information about this video like voices or actors please leave a comment. Help document for the great archive.
Actress Renne Jarrett of NANCY appears in this ad.
for the product price, specification, and review - go to . ======= several keywords of this channel: promoting mickey mantle card ...
All it takes to get women to magically fondle you is to use Brylcreem - "A LITTLE DAB WILL DO YA." For more vintage pop culture, from the 1950's, 1960's & the ...