Keep your eyes on the skies. Stop Chemtrail Spraying in North Carolina. ... toxic chemical bath from our skies and most of our citizens didn't even know it happened. .... Think about it, someone or some group of persons, non-elected, now have the power over the air we breathe.What are they spraying? What are you breathing? "Geoengineering Could Turn Skies White" 'The white haze that hangs over many major cities could become a ...
30 second real-time video of same day: Technical Background: Stratospheric Particle Injection for Weather Modification ...
After I got out of church around noon, I noticed that there seemed to be more chemtrails being dumped than normal (and we get A LOT here in central NC).
I captured this footage of several unidentified high flying aircraft cris-crossing the sky overhead producing these chem-trails/contrails. This was recorded with my ...
Chem trail (sky spraying) can be seen most days, from morning to sun set and even at night when there is enough moonlight.
30 second real-time video of same day: Technical Background: Stratospheric Particle Injection for Weather Modification ...
After I got out of church around noon, I noticed that there seemed to be more chemtrails being dumped than normal (and we get A LOT here in central NC).
I captured this footage of several unidentified high flying aircraft cris-crossing the sky overhead producing these chem-trails/contrails. This was recorded with my ...
Chem trail (sky spraying) can be seen most days, from morning to sun set and even at night when there is enough moonlight.