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Sky Commanders Episode 7
Sky Commanders Episode 7 [Full Episode]

"Deep in the South Pacific, a tumultuous and untamed new continent has erupted, spawned by a highly unstable new element, known as Pheta-7. If this powerful new element could be controlled, whoever possessed it would be the undisputed ruler of the world! One man, General Lucas Plague, is determined to hold that title. And it's up to a rugged team of mountaineering experts, lead by commander Mike Summit, to stop him. Employing revolutionary new gravity-lock and laser-cable technology to traverse the ever-changing terrain of the High Frontier, Mike Summit's Sky Commanders, and General Plague's Raiders, are locked in mortal combat, with the fate of the entire world hanging in the balance" Taken from the opening narration. lessDeep in the South Pacific, a tumultuous and untamed new continent has erupted, spawned by a highly unstable new element, known as Phaeta-7.

I used to watch the cartoon but never had any of the toys.

Sky Commanders was an animated television series created by Hanna-Barbera Studios. The storyline of Sky Commanders comprises the daily adventures of a ...

This is the seventh episode from our City of Heroes Tutorial/Let's play series. The series will be me and 2 friends starting from level 1 in City of Heroes and ...

Today Thunderhound takes a look at Sky Commanders Rex Kling with his Search and Rescue backpack released in 1987 by Kenner. Hope everyone enjoys the ...