There Goes a Train
There Goes a Train
There Goes a Train
There Goes a Train [Full Episode]
There Goes a Train [Full Episode]
There Goes a Train [Full Episode]
Engineer Dave shows us around old and new trains, takes control of a freight train going top speed, and introduces us to steam engines, locomotives, and an old caboose. Plenty to see, lots of location shooting, big action for tykes interested in moving machines. Dave's banter might go over the heads of some of the target audience, but you can ignore that.Released in the mid-90s as part of Dave Hood's Live Action Video For Kids/Real Wheels video series, this video takes a look at trains and locomotives.
Check out our new Bob, The Train video here Bob The Train has became a nursery rhymes DJ. Composing the Animal Sounds Song as his first ...
I'm really touched by this story.
The Fugitive Complete Tv Series S04E20 - While attending a baseball game, a woman Dr. Kimble is sitting next to is told that she has a phone call and is ...
UPDATE: I'm glad Dave got 5000 views!! NOTE: If anyone could ID the music I'd be so happy. The track at 28:13 is "On My Nerves" from Gene Michael Music.
There Goes a Train
There Goes a Train
There Goes a Train [Full Episode]
There Goes a Train [Full Episode]
There Goes a Train [Full Episode]
Engineer Dave shows us around old and new trains, takes control of a freight train going top speed, and introduces us to steam engines, locomotives, and an old caboose. Plenty to see, lots of location shooting, big action for tykes interested in moving machines. Dave's banter might go over the heads of some of the target audience, but you can ignore that.Released in the mid-90s as part of Dave Hood's Live Action Video For Kids/Real Wheels video series, this video takes a look at trains and locomotives.
Check out our new Bob, The Train video here Bob The Train has became a nursery rhymes DJ. Composing the Animal Sounds Song as his first ...
I'm really touched by this story.
The Fugitive Complete Tv Series S04E20 - While attending a baseball game, a woman Dr. Kimble is sitting next to is told that she has a phone call and is ...
UPDATE: I'm glad Dave got 5000 views!! NOTE: If anyone could ID the music I'd be so happy. The track at 28:13 is "On My Nerves" from Gene Michael Music.
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