• 18 years ago
Do what now?

Hasil Adkins

So is it pronounced hassle or hazel?


Oh, I thought it was Hazel, 'cos you're The Haze.

I know, everybody... nah, it's "hassel," what it is. Everybody call me—well, not everybody—most of 'em call me "Hazel," but I mean, you know, after they get to know me or seen me or somethin, why, you know, [I] tell 'em....

Ah. Cos you've got a brother named Basil—or is it "bassle"?

Do what now?

Your brother's named Basil or Bazel?

Uh, well, they call him both things, Basil & Bazel, but his real name's Basil. But they call him Bazel.

Okay. Now I also read somewhere that you had lectured at a college—where was that?

Do what now?

That you had given a lecture at a college.

Yeah, uh, in Louisville, Kentucky.

How did that come about?

That's when we was makin this video stuff. They went all over the place makin it. And they was wantin to know, at the college, how I got started playin and how do I do everything—you know, all that.

Was that a lot of fun?

Oh yeah, yeah. Kids wanna know everything, they did.

Do you still play live much?

Yeah. Well, I been workin here at home for a while now, I got a lot of [ ] stuff to do & everything. I could be workin 'bout eight nights, if I wanted to, but it gets old, you know, like that. I'm gonna play Charleston, I guess, Saturday night. Could be Friday Night. Friday or Saturday night, one of the two.

Wow, I wish I was out there! I'd like to see you play. So you going to be touring around any more, you think?

Oh yeah, yeah.

