• 10 years ago
Heard the latest? A Volkswagen technician died from injuries inflicted by a robot at the facility in Germany. He was installing the robot with his colleague, when he got struck in the chest and was pressed against a metal plate. Oh no!
The automaker has always kept his robots inside the safety cage, but the technician, who was said to be a third party contractor, was inside working on the installation. His colleague was standing outside the cage and was not harmed.
Volkswagen uses new lightweight robots, which work alongside workers at the facility, though the company highlighted that this was not one of those robots. Reports suggest that the robot was technically okay!
The company had announced that it was planning to replace Baby Boomers with robots that are cost-effective, as the automobile industry has long turned to robotics.
Prosecutors have opened an investigation into the matter. Meanwhile, our thoughts go out to the worker’s family and friends.
