• il y a 10 ans
Slackline is a quite new sport and an artistic discipline which the French champion Romain Billard masters perfectly. When the spirit of the glide meets the funambulisme! Skateboard, Snow and art of the balance meet on a thread, here. The whole body is requested by this very physical art, very demanding, giving rise to spectacular air figures. To discover in outcast in the Cabinet de Curiosités!

To begin in good conditions, follow the coach Romain Billard who explains everything to you in this tuto : http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2hkulq_slackline-tuto-first-steps_sport

Producer : Marie Audran

Romain Billard, coach Slackline : http://coachslackline.com/

Thanks to the "Carreau du Temple" team : http://www.carreaudutemple.eu/


