• 11 years ago
In this tech-savvy, virtual and social networking world people do anything. Like, they update almost everything as their facebook statuses, tweet or retweet their favorite celebs, politicians, controversies, listen and watch viral videos on YouTube or just click random pictures for instagram, etc. So, let's try out the social network inspired themed nail art this time, which is both exciting and brilliant!

To do this nail art, you will require the following nail paint colors: Beige, yellow, Dark Red,Cobalt blue,aqua,green,white,country blue,black,Dark brown along with a base coat and a top coat.

Tools required are thin brush and flat base brush.

Enjoyed this social networking nail art tutorial?
Do like this video and don't forget to give it a thumbs up and share it with your friends.
You can also try another cool nail art here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U37Acl7lP9k&list=PLCnpe4krEyF7PzB-ayzaYx39C95tpW3td&index=1

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