• 11 years ago
This AWESOME ENGERGON pack comes with 5 Telepods for your Angry Birds Transformers Game!! We show Let's Play!!

►Click here to see ANGRY BIRDS TRANSFORMERS featuring unboxing, reviews, and Let’s Play!◀︎http://goo.gl/j5cCBn

The Angry Birds Transformers ENERGON Racers Pack comes with ENERGON SOUNDWAVE Pig, ENERGON Optimus Prime Bird, ENERGON LOCKDOWN Pig, ENERGON GRIMLOCK Bird, and ENERGON STARSCREAM Pig. These Telepods are made by Hasbro.

Angry Birds Transformers is the tenth installment in the Angry Birds series, a merger between Angry Birds and Transformers, featuring battles between the "Autobirds and Deceptihogs" (Angry Birds versions of Autobots & Decepticons) in a Side-scrolling video game developed and published by Rovio Entertainment with collaboration from Hasbro. The game was released on October 15, 2014 for iOS, released on October 30, 2014 for Android, and released on November,4,2014 for Amazon. The release includes related licensed merchandise and a toy line from Hasbro.

PLOT: The mysterious EggSpark has arrived on Piggy Island and turned all living things into Transformers and turned non-living things into towers that want to destroy all life. The Autobirds and Deceptihogs must put their differences aside to destroy the towers and evil pigs and then capture the EggSpark.

GAMEPLAY: The player has to eliminate pigs in the level, but the main goal is to make it through the run, since failure to make the run results in zero pigs obtained in that run. Coins may be collected either during runs, or simply by waiting and collecting coins that generate over time from "freed" areas. Some levels or features can be only unlocked when the player has eliminated a particular number of pigs or collected enough coins. Pigs can be eliminated by aiming at them several times, but is easier to defeat them when shooting supporting materials of their fortresses, or making TNT explode. Since the game is a side-scroller, pigs who have gone out the screen can no longer be eliminated.

Angry Birds Transformers Gameplay Intro used by permission from Rovio Entertainment: http://www.rovio.com/en/support/faq&support_category_id=4
I have the world wide commercial distribution rights to this video.

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►Click here to see more EPIC Toy Battles featuring Minecraft, Angry Birds, Rabbids, and Super Mario Brothers◀︎http://goo.gl/BlQMyL

►Click here to see Despicable Me Videos featuring Gru, Despicable Me Minions, Minion Stuart, and Minion Dave◀︎http://goo.gl/HfJZby

►Click here to see Angry Birds Videos featuring Red Bird, Yellow Bird, Matilda White Bird, and Black Bomb Bird◀︎ http://goo.gl/XY8Mbp

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