"Works in the public domain are those whose intellectual property rights have expired, have been forfeited, or are inapplicable".
I Edited this video from a list of films in the public domain.
I downloaded 227 films, mostly found on archive.org, and I used extracts from 38 of them for the final cut.
My special thanks go to Camille Martin, Luc Petronille, Paul Gibert (twixtor effect), Marin Queyraud (closing credits), and Christophe Durand.
Edited on Final Cut Pro 7 & Pro Tools 9.
Director and Editor : Gioacchino Petronicce
I Edited this video from a list of films in the public domain.
I downloaded 227 films, mostly found on archive.org, and I used extracts from 38 of them for the final cut.
My special thanks go to Camille Martin, Luc Petronille, Paul Gibert (twixtor effect), Marin Queyraud (closing credits), and Christophe Durand.
Edited on Final Cut Pro 7 & Pro Tools 9.
Director and Editor : Gioacchino Petronicce
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