• 11 years ago
Sign up for the Small Screen Email Newsletter: http://vid.io/xdM Be the first to know when new episodes air on our site! How to Make the Mahogany Cocktail There are times when we may have conceptual problems with different ingredients. I ran into this with Jagermeister. I just couldn't take it seriously, at least not until a friend challenged me to try to make a classically styled cocktail with it. The result was the Mahogany which, quite frankly, I think works pretty well at properly showcasing Jagermeister in a cocktail that doesn't appear to be created by or for frat boys. Watch on Small Screen: http://www.smallscreennetwork.com/video/122/cocktail_spirit_mahogany/ RECIPE 1 1/2 oz Dry Vermouth 3/4 oz Benedictine 3/4 oz Jagermeister Instructions: Stir with ice. Strain into cocktail glass misted with cinnamon tincture. Cinnamon Tincture Fill pint jar with cinnamon sticks. Fill jar with vodka or high proof liquor. Let sit covered for 2 weeks, shaking once or twice.
