Las grandes potencias despliegan en tableros de otros países su partida en busca de una redefinición geoestratégica mundial. Son movimientos de una nueva "guerra fría" que - según señala Andrés Piqueras, profesor de Sociología y miembro del Observatorio Internacional de la Crisis- pueden llegar a desencadenar conflictos nucleares localizados.
Irak, Chipre, Libia, Siria; ahora Ucrania y Crimea; más pronto a más tarde, Venezuela. Son algunos de los escenarios donde en forma de golpe de estado, guerra civil o "corralito" financiero, Estados Unidos se resiste a perder su hegemonía, ligada al dólar y al control del petróleo y las materias primas. China y Rusia son los otros actores principales en esta fase de capitalismo mutante que, a riesgo de jugar con el colapso económico y la creación de estados fallidos, puede devenir en capitalismo suicida.
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The Great Powers are spreading over the gameboards of other countries and their game seeks a world geostrategic redefinition. They're the moves of a new "cold war" which - as pointed out by Andrés Piqueras, professor of Sociology and member of the International Crisis Observatory - could unleash localized nuclear conflicts.
Irak, Cyprus, Libya; right now Ucraine and Crimea and sooner or later, Venezuela. Thse are some of the scenarios where in the shape of a coup, civil war or financial "corralito", bankfreeze, the United States is resisting against the loss of its hegemony, bound to the dollar and the control of oil and basic commodities. China and Russia are the two other main players in this phase of mutant capitalism which, at risk of playing with economic collaps and the uprise of failed states, could turn into suicidal capitalism.
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Irak, Chipre, Libia, Siria; ahora Ucrania y Crimea; más pronto a más tarde, Venezuela. Son algunos de los escenarios donde en forma de golpe de estado, guerra civil o "corralito" financiero, Estados Unidos se resiste a perder su hegemonía, ligada al dólar y al control del petróleo y las materias primas. China y Rusia son los otros actores principales en esta fase de capitalismo mutante que, a riesgo de jugar con el colapso económico y la creación de estados fallidos, puede devenir en capitalismo suicida.
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The Great Powers are spreading over the gameboards of other countries and their game seeks a world geostrategic redefinition. They're the moves of a new "cold war" which - as pointed out by Andrés Piqueras, professor of Sociology and member of the International Crisis Observatory - could unleash localized nuclear conflicts.
Irak, Cyprus, Libya; right now Ucraine and Crimea and sooner or later, Venezuela. Thse are some of the scenarios where in the shape of a coup, civil war or financial "corralito", bankfreeze, the United States is resisting against the loss of its hegemony, bound to the dollar and the control of oil and basic commodities. China and Russia are the two other main players in this phase of mutant capitalism which, at risk of playing with economic collaps and the uprise of failed states, could turn into suicidal capitalism.
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