• 12 years ago
In chemistry we have read that there can be involved a catalyst in a chemical reaction to boost up that process.

Following the concept, there are some catalysts for success, these elements boost up your speed of success and gets you to your destination in short time span (while doing hard and smar work)

Mr. Qasim Ali Shah taught his students about these Catalysts of Success which are:

1) BIG DREAMS: Those who dare to dream the impossible are the ones who achieve unimagined success.

2) TEACHERS/MENTORS: Fortunate are those who find a supportive and motivating teacher or mentor in their lives.

3) SAYINGS: Quotations are remarkable thoughts said by some of the great personalities ever lived on this planet earth, and sometimes we find several quotations which seems that they are said for us.

4) ROLE MODEL: You must have to have a role model in your life, a personality you can look up to as an example in every situation in your life.

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