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si prega di informarsi con la vostra più vicina filiale della Bukkyo Dendo Kyokai: consultate la seguente lista di filiali della Bukkyo Dendo Kyokai (BDK)
Society for the Promotion of Buddhism nel Mondo:
The Bukkyo Dendo Kyokai (BDK) (Society for the Promotion of Buddhism) was founded by the Reverend Dr. Yehan Numata in December 1965, one year after the Mitutoyo Manufacturing Company celebrated its 30th anniversary. With the worldwide success of his company, Dr. Numata decided that the time had come to realize his dream of making the Buddhist teachings more widely available. Working with a community of like-minded people, including leaders of each Buddhist sect in Japan and eminent Buddhist scholars, Dr. Numata established the BDK in order to "to transmit the Buddhist religion to as many people in the world as possible, without expounding the doctrines of any particular sect or denomination." To achieve this goal, the BDK promotes a wide range of activities and projects in the hope of contributing to world peace and mutual understanding among humanity.
si prega di informarsi con la vostra più vicina filiale della Bukkyo Dendo Kyokai: consultate la seguente lista di filiali della Bukkyo Dendo Kyokai (BDK)
Society for the Promotion of Buddhism nel Mondo:
The Bukkyo Dendo Kyokai (BDK) (Society for the Promotion of Buddhism) was founded by the Reverend Dr. Yehan Numata in December 1965, one year after the Mitutoyo Manufacturing Company celebrated its 30th anniversary. With the worldwide success of his company, Dr. Numata decided that the time had come to realize his dream of making the Buddhist teachings more widely available. Working with a community of like-minded people, including leaders of each Buddhist sect in Japan and eminent Buddhist scholars, Dr. Numata established the BDK in order to "to transmit the Buddhist religion to as many people in the world as possible, without expounding the doctrines of any particular sect or denomination." To achieve this goal, the BDK promotes a wide range of activities and projects in the hope of contributing to world peace and mutual understanding among humanity.