Archived > 2018 March > 13 Evening > 164

Videos archived from 13 March 2018 Evening

China opposes THAAD deployment
พลายสีดอตกมันทำร้ายควาญช้างดับ l ข่าวมื้อเช้า l 25 ส.ค.59
Record 1.2 million people sought asylum in EU in 2015
[V观] Li says China aims to maintain a medium to high rate of growth 中国经济: 保持中高速增长 经济总量将超90万亿
09 GP Europe 2003 p1
Пирожки с капустой (постные)
النائب الاسرائيلي دانيئيل بن سيمون: التقيت بأبي مازن بفضل المقابلة على قناتكم
Истории на ночь - Сумасшедший
Tunus'ta reformlar için 'uzmanlar komisyonu' - TUNUS
[V观] Number of central government-set prices reduced by 80% 放手定价权 中央政府减少定价项目80% 地方减少50%
♡ How to: Black french w Glitter Gelnails
Migrants stranded at Greek border in poor condition
Fresh & Very Glowy Skin | Talk Through Makeup Tutorial
[V观] China 2015: World-class innovation made in science and technology国产大飞机 第三代核电等跨入国际先进
[V观] China’s 2016 GDP to grow at 6.5% to 7%李克强宣布2016年GDP增长目标6.5%至7%
Katy Perry gives American Idol contestant his first kiss
Playfoam Surprise Toys Spiderman Paw Patrol Transformers Ooshies Grossery Gang Crusty Chocolate Bar
[V观] Some local government to begin piloting a negative list for market access 公布地方政府权力责任清单 试行负面清单制度
[V观]Behind the scene: Great Hall of the People ahead of 4th session of 12th NPC 云镜头带你看十秒速览大会堂
[V观] China aims to make major headway in carrying out structural reform发力供给侧结构性改革 既做减法又做加法
[V观] China to ensure innovation to energize development 创新是引领发展的第一动力 将启动一批重大科技项
[V观] China 2015:  stability ensured in economic and social development 中国:稳中有进 稳中有好
[V观] Chinese president, NPC deputies enter the Great Hall of the People 习近平等党和国家领导人步入大会堂
【V观】China 2015: 12,000 new businesses registered every day政府工作报告:中国每天新增1.2万户登记注册企业
[V观] China 2015: Chinese economy operated within an appropriate range 政府工作报告:2015中国经济运行保持在合理区间
[V观]China 2015: China is progressing despite difficulties and pressures 现在中国GDP增长1%相当于10年前的2.5%
Town Hall 21 + Gem Rolls!!!
Europe unveils plan to restore Schengen by year’s end
President of European Council meets with Turkish president
นายกฯ นำครม. ผบ. เหล่าทัพอวยพรวันเกิด "ป๋าเปรม" l ข่าวมื้อเช้า l 25 ส.ค.59
Assignment Asia Episode 33: Preservation
Casinha real das Ever After High
Lindsay / Riley Challenge PTV Finale Manche 2 Club elite
Cameron urges Scotland to vote to stay in EU
How to make SPOT the good dinosaur cake topper fondant - il viaggio di Arlo pasta di zucchero torta
Islamist insurgents say war has not stopped
КРОВАВЫЙ ЛАБИРИНТ В ГТА 5! (GTA 5 Смешные Моменты)
The Stunning Transformation Of Chrissy Metz
China reiterates opposition to THAAD deployment by S. Korea and US
Thousands of refugees stranded at Greece-Macedonia border
Невероятный Байкал. Оборотень, древний способ омоложения, дрова, тату, день рождения! Серия 14
Syrian ceasefire: Journalists visit ancient town ravaged by militants
A look at how a British journalist views China’s policy making mechanisms in 2sessions
La Gran Carrera de Las 2 Muñecas
Lecții de viață12 martie 2018
You Can Actually Surf the Sky
Assignment Asia: Renovating Beijing's hutongs
US economy: Fed to hike rate in March on good job report?
30,000 stranded in Greece due to border restrictions
[V观] NPC Spokesperson: China’s defense budget to increase by 7% to 8% 傅莹:中国军费预算增幅低于去年 增幅在7%到8%之间
Calais migrants top agenda as Hollande meets Cameron
Watch Black Panther Plena Filmo
Кукольный Дайджест #36: КЕН УЖЕ НЕ ТОТ! / Новинки Barbie Fashionistas, DC SuperHero Girls, Blythe
Watch Black Panther Volledige Film
Comienza evacuación de civiles de Guta Oriental en Siria
DPRK: We will keep building our nuclear arsenal
Uçak Kazası Raporu - Ölümcül Detay (S15B04)
งัดมาตรา 44 สั่งพักงานชั่วคราว "สุขุมพันธุ์-หมอเปรม" l ข่าวมื้อเช้า l 25 ส.ค.59
S. Korea and US officially start discussions on deploying THAAD system
Watch Black Panther Koko Elokuva
Steel factory workers feel the brunt of China’s job cuts
transformers age of extinction roblox
【V观】A look back at what CPPCC and President Xi Jinping spoke about during 2sessions in the past
Ukraine Crisis: Russia regrets extension of sanctions by US and EU
"Neymar a un présent et un futur au PSG" - 13/03/2018
[V观] NPC spokesperson meets media to discuss Two Sessions agenda 人大会议首场发布会举行 傅莹答记者问
tthockey99's Live PS4 Broadcast
China says UNSC's resolution on DPRK should be fully implemented
tthockey99's Live PS4 Broadcast
Tee Grizzley Trollin Crazy Dude That Accuses Him Of Stealing On Facetime! You Stole My Sht
Watch Black Panther Full Movie Spoilers
tthockey99's Live PS4 Broadcast
Innovation in China: Start-ups go global at early stage
Mengerikan!!! Video Penampakan Hantu Nyata Indonesia 2017
【V观】China vows to support UN resolution on DPRK
[V观] NPC spokesperson: Human rights lawyers a political classification傅莹:不赞同“维权律师”提法 不应将律师队伍政治划分
Cameron, Hollande meet at Franco-British Summit
Doctor Who Exactly? - Theme of the 7th Doctor
US astronaut Scott Kelly back home after record year in space
الأهلى: الاستاد الجديد من أفضل 10 ملاعب بالعالم وسنعلن عن التفاصيل قريبا
EU refugee crisis: Protesters block train at Greece-Macedonia borde
Safi - 21 Day Skin Care Challenge | Bridal Skin Care Series by superWOWstyle!
EU considers more sanctions after UN resolution on DPRK
Half Time Goals and Highlights HD Manchester United 0-0 Sevilla 13.03.2018
العمل الاجتماعي لحزب الله في جبل لبنان وكسروان حضور فاعل وانجازات
【V观】Chinese entrepreneurs presented proposals as members of NPC &CPPCC during 2sessions
DPRK says its nuclear weapons should be ready for use
Exclusive Interview with Chinese Ambassador to the US
New Zealand votes on national flag
【V观】NPC 2016: China’s foreign policy dominates press conference
Syrian ceasefire: White House says increase in humanitarian aid deliveries
Lego Chima Sky Joust Review!!
Bertrand Cantat à Grenoble: les partisans et les manifestants
People in Damascus celebrate ceasefire, hope for peace
EU refugee crisis: Tusk slams unilateral moves, warns economic migrants
Ireland election: Outgoing coalition wins but without majority
Flight MH370: Malaysia, Australia teams investigate suspected debris found in Mozambique