Archived > 2018 March > 09 Noon > 129

Videos archived from 09 March 2018 Noon

Economic recommendations by Japan's Prime Minister elect
Chavez is following treatment in order to sworn in
Mexico receives less remittances than India or China
President Obama develops team to fight gun violence
Canadian dead in raft accident in Peru
Kris Jenner Paid Travis Scott $4 Million Just To Step Up For Kylie Jenner?
Syrian Rebels kidnap to finance their crimes
Egyptians protest Islamist-backed Constitution
British oil company to conduct explorations in Honduras
Citizens accuse police of excessive use of force in Mexico
Egypt: Attacks on WAFD party headquarters
Dudleys EGGceptional Decorating Kit, Spin An Egg - new Easter Series
Major steps made in Sudan and South Sudan talks
สุโขทัย รวบหัวขโมยงัดมือถือ | เตรียมมือรับภัยหนาว 2-4 ก.พ. นี้ | ข่าวต้นชั่วโมง | 1 ก.พ. 59
โบว์วอนแฟนคลับบางเพจอย่าเอารูปน้องมะลิไปเรียกยอดไลค์ ยันไม่มีปัญหากับ "อาน้ำอ้อย"
Venezuelan government aiming for Chavez's full recovery
Mathieu Ngudjolo Chui acquitted of war crimes by ICC
Argentina has tripled its exports in recent years
Hugo Chavez stable after respiratory infection
Nelson Mandela to spend 11th day in hospital
PSUV calls on opposition to respect people's choice
Colombia peace talks must focus on land issues: FARC
US journalist Richard Engel and crew freed in Syria
A Carrinha Magica na Floresta Humida
Iran concerned over NATO's Patriot missile deployment
US citizens demanding more severe laws against arms sales
a Shoppies EASTER
Bolivia preparing festivities for beginning of "New Era"
Ranjeno srce - 9 Epizoda - 2 deo
Egyptian magistrates refuse to monitor referendum
Peru and Ecuador inaugurate trade route
Ecuador and Colombia implement social inclusion programme
Media ombudsperson to become operational in Argentina
U.S. in mourning after school shooting in Connecticut
Patlama Riski Var! Fransızların 100 Yıl Önce Gaziantep'e Attığı Top Mermisi Bulundu
More protests against budget cuts in Spain
Recently elected socialist governors to meet in Caracas
5 Yılda 5 Bin Kadına İstihdam" Projesi - Bakan Sarıeroğlu (2)
Double F. - Missing
Explosion rocks Lebanon-Israel border
Pots and pans protests in Mexico City
Venezuelans conmemorate 182 years of Simon Bolivar's death
Festival du Clown Oyonnax Plastic Vallée
Iran donates medical equipment to Syria
บช.น. สั่งตั้งกรรมการสอบสวน ตร.ทุ่งสองห้อง ยิงตัวตาย | ข่าวต้นชั่วโมง | 1 ก.พ. 59
อากาศบ้านเรา น้องอุ๋มอิ๋ม เอาแกงผักหวานไข่มดแดงมาฝากจร้า EP75 OA 28-04-60
9 Most Badass People of all Time
Mahmoud Abbas wishes Hugo Chavez a speedy recovery
Overwhelming victory by Democratic Liberal Party in Japan
US: Time is running out for fiscal cliff deal
Costa Rica bans sport hunting
Is expected a report on the health of President Chavez
Municipalities' mayors protest outside Honduras' Congress
NGOs report irregularities in Egyptian Referendum
Cold and snow hit northern Italy
Horasan�da silahlı kavga: 5 ölü, 2 yaralı
Tragic shooting in Newtown, Connecticut, USA
More protests to be held in Egypt today
Dilma Rousseff concludes visit to Russia
Thousands protest in Madrid against health privatization
Suriye-Dün Ele Geçirilen Cinderes'te Çatışma Anları
Free Syrian Army threatens to kill Ukrainian journalist
Grenade attack on Somali neighborhood in Kenya investigated
Pays basque. L’ETA s’apprête à annoncer sa dissolution.
Five shootings in U.S.A. this year
IAEA express progress in talks on Iran's nuclear program
Ayatollah condemns US recognition of Syrian opposition
Obama: I will not speculate about Chávez's health condition
Global warming severely affecting Antarctica
Rohit Sharma is like an Employee after pay Hike, troll fans
Fête de la musique 2014
Second day of Agricultural Forum for Peace in Colombia
Persecution of oil workers in Colombia to be investigated
Cultural event in solidarity with Chavez in Mexico City
Getting Flagged by Baby Ariel + Heading to BeautyCon LA | Travel Adventures & Road Trips
Palestinians gather to mark Hamas' 25th anniversary
Barton and Marseille: love at first sight
Syria rebel attack on school outside Damascus kills 12
Israeli Foreign Minister charged with breach of trust
Venezuelans participate in a peaceful regional elections
Syria will not use chemical weapons, minister says
இனி ஒரு ஓவருக்கு 5 பந்துகள் மட்டும் வீச இங்கிலாந்து கிரிக்கெட் வாரியம் முடிவு- வீடியோ
Egypt: Morsi's supporters demonstrate in favor of Referendum
U.N. condemns launch of North Korean rocket
Rihanna Attacks Men On International Women’s Day?
Syrian regime approaching collapse, Fogh Rasmussen says
Cumhurbaşkanı Recep Tayyip Erdoğan: “Şehrim 2023 aynı zamanda bugünün değil 2023’e bir ön yatırım ol
Protests in Bangladesh continue
สมหวัง !! สาวโพสต์ตามหาพ่อ หลังดูรายการ "ไมค์ทองคำ"ได้เจอพ่อแล้ว OA01-05-60
ออกหมายจับ 2 คนร้าย ฆ่าข่มขืนโยนทิ้งเหว | ข่าวต้นชั่วโมง | 1 ก.พ. 59
EU greenlights more bailout funds for Greece
More Asian immigrants than Latinos in U.S.A.
Ruff justice: Dogs bring calm to court
Colombian health workers protest crisis in hospitals
Multiple attacks in Iraq, at least 10 dead
Chavez in stable condition after surgery
Cuba to expand Internet services
Mexico: More demonstrations to free December 1 prisoners