Archived > 2018 March > 09 Noon > 106

Videos archived from 09 March 2018 Noon

Violence in Turkey against protectors of Istambul park
Rafael Correa expresses support for freedom of expression in the US
- Afganistan'da İntihar Saldırısı: 9 Ölü
안희정, 잠적 나흘만에 검찰 자진출석 "국민께 죄송" / YTN
FC Nantes: Philippe Daguillon, kiné historique du club, est décédé
Colombia: Armed men break into the house of HR advocate's bodyguard
Cuban chancellor makes statement on Colombia-Venezuela tension
Trial against Bradley Manning begins in the United States
Video Teaser for Understanding the Workflow in Revit MEP Multisoft Systems
Any misunderstanding will be solved diplomatically: Juan Manuel Santos
Chinese president will continue tour through Costa Rica
US woman released from Mexican Jail
More tornadoes and hail could hit Oklahoma and Arkansas
Eurozone unemployment rate reaches 19 million
Faiq Ağayev Müşerref Akayın qonağı olub
WHO proposes a ban on tabacco advertisements
Firefighters work to fight blaze in California
Syrian National Coalition won't participate in Geneva peace talks
11 young people kidnapped at Mexico City bar
OPEC keeps oil output target at 30 million barrels
Mexican ex-president to push for first US marijuana brand
Ortega: Chavez left his mission to Maduro and the country approved
Asean Johnson, 9 year-old boy, fights closure of public schools
TBMM Parlamenterler Futbol Takımı, Bakü'de Turnuvaya Katılacak
TSK ve ÖSO Maranez köyünde terör temizliğine başladı
In Mexico, protestors demand an end to forced disappearances
Local Family Dentistry: The Solution to Oral Health for the Entire Family
Majeed Ajiz : Balochi poetry / Baloch club Bahrain
Le Match des GG - 09/03
Santos' statement on his meeting with Capriles causes many reactions
Diosdado Cabello reacts to Juan Manuel Santos' statement
Proposition Senard-Notat: un rapport «soft»
IACHR asks that therapeutic abortion be given to Salvadoran woman
Mapuches accuse Chile of violating their human rights
Eufrosina Cruz, Oaxacan indigenous woman fights discrimination
We don't want to destabilize the Venezuelan government: Santos
Formal Shoe Guide | Top Men's Formal Shoes
Bangkok polo tournament swaps horses with elephants
Ecuador has notable increase in non-petroleum exports
"เจษ" ไร้แพลนเที่ยวสงกรานต์ รับจูบจริง "โม มนชนก"
Black Ops 4_Live_Announcement_Recap
ಸೆಂಚುರಿ ಬಾರಿಸಿದ ಸೆಂಚುರಿ ಸ್ಟಾರ್ ಶಿವಣ್ಣ | Mufti kannada movie completes 100 days | Filmibeat Kannada
ข่าวรอบวัน l เพชรบูรณ์ กระสุนปริศนาตกใส่หลังคาหวิดดับ l 28 ม ค 59
ออฟฟิศพิชิตใจ 26 ก.พ. 56 Teaser
US "concerned" by Russian support for Syrian government
Iraq's wave of violence leaves more than 500 dead
US soldier to plead guilty to killing of 16 Afghans
[미공개] 동화의 재구성! 이보다 더 반전 돋는 동화책 본 적 없음~
25 percent of Paraguayans are malnourished
Ils retirent une enorme larve qui grossissait dans le cou de ce chaton
Mexico: Tax reform continues to generate controversy
Latino America demands that US releases of Oscar Lopez Rivera
Venezuela begins final phase of the election audit
Venezuela's opposition members visit Mexico to get support
Pass your Veeam VMCE_V9 Exam With VMCE_V9 Practice Questions
Síntesis Web: Venezuela denounces conspiration from Colombia
Galataport Projesi'nde ÇED Süreci Başladı
Krasnodar Arena'da çıldırtan atmosfer
TSK ve ÖSO Maranez köyüne operasyon başlattı
US kills Taliban leader in Pakistan drone strike
ഷുഹൈബ് വധക്കേസിലെ മുഖ്യപ്രതി ആകാശിനു ജയിലിൽ VIP പരിഗണന ലഭിക്കുന്നുവെന്ന് ആരോപണം
Colombian NGOs reject visit by Henrique Capriles
Iran could play an important role to solve the Syrian crisis
3 million vaccines to fight H1N1 Influenza outbreak in Venezuela
Arizona judge ordered restrict operations against immigrants
Capriles gives evasive answers during a press conference in Colombia
Russia aims to create a visa-free regime with CELAC
تلاوة سوره الزلزلة
Ortega highlights his government's efforts to protect citizen security
Öğrenciler Mehmetçiğin ayaklarına taş değmesin diye cevşen gönderdiler
'Beşiktaş'ın yarışı bizi ilgilendirmiyor' - ANKARA
Mykonos Concierge and VIP Chauffeur Services
Syrians reject UN Human Rights Council's resolution
Great Venezuela Housing Mission continues to change lives
Unasur presents conclusions of the Conference on Natural Ressources
ANGERME / アンジュルム * 愛さえあればなんにもいらない
Tombera, tombera pas... Un jeu risqué sur un pont suspendu
Barbara is now a Hurricane near Mexico's Pacific Coast
Iran hosts Syria's true friends meeting
"โม มนชนก" โต้เที่ยวตปท. เพราะหนีไปพักใจ แจงแพลนไว้นานแล้ว
India leagalise the practice, know which other country legalised it | OneIndia News
ข่าวรอบวัน l ตร ทำแผนมือฆ่าโหดเศรษฐีนี l 28 ม ค 59
ราชรถมาเกย 19 ก.พ. 56
Syria is alert to any foreign interference
World Play Day remembers the fundamental rights of children
Web Summary: Honduran Government protects truce
Venezuelan government to give computers to high schoolers
European Union lifts arms embargo against Syria
Makeup Artist Kashee shows how to apply make-up base properly
Syrian rebels thanked EU decision to lift arms embargo
US interested in Brazil's oil discovery
Colombia's expansion of military jurisdiction under fire
Iran presidential candidates toured Tehran
President Maduro pledges to multiply food supply in Venezuela
Forest fires in California, thousands are evacuated
Guatemala's former president Alfonso Portillo pleads not guilty