Videos archived from 01 March 2018 Noon
Australian Foreign Minister allegadly mouths "b****" at oppositionRefugee crush overwhelms EU Dublin rule
UN General Assembly approves raising of Palestinian flag
What is the legal status in Europe of human embryos? - utalk
Obama directs US to accept 10,000 Syrian refugees in next year
Refugees group urges EU to adopt common asylum policy - europe weekly
Austria closes motorway between Vienna and Hungarian border
Japan floods leave 3 dead, and 23 missing
Venezuela opposition leader Leopoldo Lopez sentenced to nearly 14 years
Drowned Iraqi migrant children laid to rest in homeland
Dinghies packed with migrants continue to arrive on Lesbos
Videos allegedly show Serbian FM meeting official later convicted of drug smuggling
Turkey's turmoil threatens to derail elections
God Save the Queen!
Senate blocks Republican-backed move to derail Iran nuclear deal
Struggling to survive: Greek SMEs count the cost of reform - reporter
"برنامج معالم" بيت فلسطين برفقة منيب المصري
MB, 공천헌금 수수 혐의…김소남 전 의원 소환
Pierre-Ambroise Bosse agressé : le champion du monde mis en examen !
Anger over journalist's murder piles pressure on Slovakia's government
“문희옥 협박으로 볼 수 없다” 경찰 무혐의 판정
Slain TV reporter's father calls for tougher US gun control
Operación Versos
Sapanca Gölü 1 haftada 13 santimetre yükseldi
내일부터 매연 검사 강화…통과 기준 2배 ‘깐깐’
2명 사망·5명 실종…완도 어선 실종자 수색 난항
태평양 건넌 3·1정신…뉴욕서도 “독립 만세”
[뉴스분석]박원순 3선 도전길 ‘3개의 산’
“살인적 정치보복”…서울 도심 대규모 친박 집회
psl 2018 cricket updates neelam muneer dance in stadium what happen when guy touch her back -paktv24
‘페널티킥 주춤’ 손흥민…아깝게 놓친 해트트릭
Monsanto guilty of chemically poisoning French farmer
Northern Ireland: First Minister resigns
1 Milyon Lira Kefaletle Tahliyesine Karar Verilmişti... Savcı İtiraz Etti, Tekrar Tutuklandı
Meltdown on Mont Blanc: mountain 'shrinks' 1.3 metres
'Olive Tree Killer' rife in Corsica
Migrants: Austrian rail suspends services to and from Hungary
Refugee crush overwhelms EU Dublin rule
Migrants: Denmark lifts restrictions on trains and ferries
Migrants: Angela Merkel visits Berlin registration centre
EU's Juncker urges governments to accept refugee quota plan
श्रीदेवी की मौत के सदमे में तड़प रहे है अमिताभ बच्चन, बहु ऐश्वर्या राय बच्चन ने किया खुलासा |
Neymar au Brésil pour son opération, objectif Mondial-2018
[뉴스분석]MB 구속영장 청구할까 ‘검찰 딜레마’
Danish authorities reopen border with Germany
Homo Naledi: A new human-like species discovered in South Africa
Hungary buses refugees from cornfield to official transit centre
트럼프 “교사 무장” 외치자…교사가 교실서 총격
Apple unveils new iPad Pro
Epic flood drags cars and vans down Spain street
오페라 무대에 선 로봇 vs 인간…“제 점수는요~”
100,000 evacuated: Houses violently swept away in raging floodwaters, Japan
Islamic State militants offer prisoners 'for sale'
Queen Elizabeth II: feelings on the streets of Britain
Lebanese government moves to end weeks of street protests
NATO worried about alleged Russian military buildup in Syria
Live sex video call
Turkish election "impossible" as violence spreads
♡ Metallic Night Out Makeup Tutorial! ♡ | Melissa Samways ♡
Cyberattacke auf Bundesregierung alarmiert die Politik
US presidential candidates divided over Iran nuclear deal days ahead of Congress vote
[신직업열전]“인터넷 평판 관리해드려요”
Top Notch 2 Episode 15
Adventskalender * 2. Dezember new * Eulen Applikation
Conflit israélo-palestinien : révélations sur le plan de paix
Denmark blocks rail and road links with Germany to stop refugee flow
DIY boost controller test
Safranbolu evleri yangınlara karşı AB projesi ile korunacak
CM Punjab Shahbaz Sharif Media Talk - 1st March 2018
Menhan: Abu Bakar Ba’asyir Diusulkan jadi Tahanan Rumah
Top Notch 2 Episode 16
都市剧《合适婚姻》17 主演 刘莉莉 温峥嵘 于洋 谢园 桑叶红
نہال ہاشمی نے جیل سے نکتلے ہی ججز کو گندی گالیاں نکالنی شروع کردیں
Funny Kids Videos by Life Awesome
Top Notch 2 Episode 17
"Un-Islamic" : India's Muslim clerics issue fatwa against IS
Novo Banco: more protests over lost assets
[더하는뉴스]‘거리의 우렁각시’ 환경미화원 24시
Al Qaeda and Islamic State - a possible reconcilation?
Bangkok: bomb suspect shows police where he handed device over
Hungarian camerawoman fired after being filmed kicking migrants
Juncker asks EU to resettle an extra 120,000 asylum seekers
France: welcomes first migrants to come via Germany and Hungary
Poland says it is considering taking in more migrants than expected
Afghanistan marks 14 years since the killing of Ahmad Shah Massoud
[Live footage] Queen Elizabeth II speech on longest reign
Live footage: Gianluca Buonanno dons Merkel mask during Juncker speech
The UK government will not hesitate to strike at its own nationals in Syria if they're suspected…
Turkey's HDP pro-Kurdish opposition party HQ attacked
Turkish refugee camps for Syrians set high standard
Queen Elizabeth II: World leaders in office during her reign
Boeing 777 catches fire on runway with 172 passengers inside, Las Vegas runway
Queen Elizabeth II becomes longest reigning British monarch
Sürprizleriyle ailerini sevince boğan askerlerimiz
Documental Pablo Escobar el terror de Colombia 2018
Cet homme vient de battre le record du monde du 50 m nage libre.... des plus 100 ans
Crown Braid | Hairstyles for Little Girls
☆★공포특집★☆빨간구두의 비밀!! 모모 TV 모모토이즈