Archived > 2017 January > 31 Evening > 119

Videos archived from 31 January 2017 Evening

Dashboard video of Yellowstone County Deputies Shooting Loren Simpson
His Son Got in Trouble So this Dad Got the Clippers & Took to Facebook, But It's Not What You Think
Police, TSA Brutalizing Disabled St. Jude Patient After Intrusive Search Disoriented Her
This is What a "Good Cop" Looks Like, Here's the Video All Cops Should be Making
Video Shows Cop Nearly Kill Unresponsive Teen Slamming Him Face First Into the Curb
5 Faces Wet Balloons Compilation Funny Hearts Water Balloon Finger Song Learn colours Collection
Cop's Dashcam Provides a Perfect Example of "Shoot First, Ask Questions Later"
NY Govt Forcing Vendors to Throw Away Good Food -- for Improperly Displaying It
US Senator Warns that the Federal Govt is About to Declare "International Martial Law"
Cop Finally Found Guilty for Beating Cuffed Man on Video, Despite Fellow Cops Lying to Cover it Up
Multiple Videos Show Shockingly Violent Arrest of College Students Over a Noise Complaint
Police Violate Innocent Woman's Rights, Illegally Search Her Vehicle Saying 'It's Policy'
Cop caught on video allegedly tasering and choking a 13-year-old boy
Full Highlights 31-01-2017
Michigan Newaygo Sheriff's Officer admits to breaking federal state law Commissioners approve
Cop Calls for Backup After Innocent Teens Tell Him He Needs a Warrant, Then All Hell Breaks Loose
Iberia Parish Police stomp man sic dog on him
Incredible Body Cam: Cops Confront Man Wielding a Machete & Blowtorch
BREAKING: Video Released Showing Police Kill Innocent Unarmed Pastor With His Hands Up
Cop Snaps and Bashes Mentally Ill Hospital Patient's Face In -- Judges Promises Him No Jail Time
Man Says "F**k the Police" He's then Arrested and Strangled as a Crowd Attempts to Jump In
denver police abusing protesters
Horrifying Video Shows Cops Tell K9 "Good Boy" as they Let Him Maul a Handcuffed Man
Body Cam Footage Shows Officers Assault and Pepper Spray an Innocent Autistic Man
Footage Shows El Cajon Cops Open Fire on Man for Holding Vaporizor
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What walking around construction debris looks like in a police state
Dashcam Video Clearly Shows Cop Murder Ronald Johnson as He Ran Away
Hope, Change, & Lies... My Farewell Address to Obama.
When you're TOO HIGH to Army
After Watching these Cops Bully an Innocent Combat Vet, You'll Understand Why Americans are Upset
Body Cam Footage Released Showing Cops Execute Mentally Ill Man
Sec. Carter Slammed by McCain, Forced to Admit US Allowed ISIS to Transport Oil
Eddie Griffin calls out racist media, breaks Down the Real Cause of Baltimore Unrest
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Memorial Day Celebration Turns into Nightmare After Cops See a Weed Pipe
Dover Cop Kicks innocent man in the face
Boy Found Not Guilty of Assault on Cops After Video Shows Self Defense
police warrantlessly barge into activists home part 1
2 Black Guys Make Cop Look Foolish for Racially Profiling Them in their Own Neighborhood
County Attorney Bill Montgomery Calls Vietnam Vet 'The Enemy'
Dwelp Level 55
How's That for 'Professionalism'? Cop Flips Man Off, Calls Him an A**Hole for Filming
Innocent Pregnant Woman & Her Fiancee Have Gun Drawn On Them For Filming Man's Arrest
Watch: Cop Can't Wait for His Backup to Arrive So He Could Needlessly Tase a Non-Violent Man
Kingdom Wars Level 2
Graphic Video Shows Cops Let K9 Maul Unconscious Man
Cops Invade Woman's Home with No Warrant, Assault Her, Demand She Do Their Job for Them
Cops Shatter Man's Face for Complaining About Tight Cuffs, Wrongfully Jailed for Months
Largest Settlement for Dog Killing in US History After Cops Murder Restrained Dog on Video
Law Student Assaulted, Tasered & Arrested by Border Patrol, For No Reason
"You're Lucky I Didn't Shoot You In The Head" Cop tells man who he just shot.
Cop Bullies Teen, Brutally Slams Him on the Sidewalk
Cops Fire on Car with 2 Teens After Misreading License Plate
Dramatic Video of Heroic Good Samaritans Shows What the World Would Be Like Without Police
This Child Jaywalked so He was Beaten with a Baton and Jumped by 9 Officers
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Raging Cop Caught Harassing and Taunting a Journalist For Filming Police
Cop Threatens To Put Biker In Jail For Calling His Partner a Fcking idiot
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It is time to end the war on drugs
Video Shows Cop Accused of Executing Jamar Clark Savagely Beat a Man for Not Wearing a Seat Belt
61-Year-Old Man Violently Attacked by Police for Singing a "Beach Boys" Song
Cops Caught on Camera in Cowardly Gang-Style Beating of an Unarmed Man Lying Face Down
Family Assaulted by Cops for "Suspicion of Breast Feeding," Dad Arrested for No Reason
Mother Assaulted, Arrested After Stepping in Front of a Cop Who was About to Shoot Her Dog
standoff KCKPD
Shock Video: Teen Boy Shot and Killed by Cop for Flashing Headlights and Flexing Rights
Watch as Officers Do Nothing While Their Colleague Beats a Handcuffed Prisoner
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Crowd Becomes Angry at Police After they Swarm and Arrest Man for Riding Hoverboard
Georgia Cop Tells it Like it Is! Drug War is a Scam, Racism is a Problem, It's Time to Stand Up
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Man kicked out of courtroom for wearing a police lie shirt
Faut-il regarder "L'épopée des gueules noires" sur France 2 ? Notre avis dans L'oeil de la rédac'
Cuando el fútbol fue Karate
Video Captures a Milwaukee Cop Run Down a Motorcyclist and the Tense Aftermath
Cops Shoot man in LA
"I Don't Want to Die in Your Cell" Video Shows Woman Predict her Own In-Custody Death
DASHCAM VIDEO Baby Dies After Police Detain Doctor Rushing to Hospital to Save the Child's Life
This is What an Arrest for a Bicycle Helmet "Violation" Looks Like in a Police State
Video Shows Middle School Kid Arrested After Lawfully Refusing to Give His Name to Cops
Graphic Video Shows Killer Cop Shoot an Unarmed Fleeing Man in the Back, Killing Him
Dashcam of fatal shooting of Ronald Carden
Father Assaulted By Plantation Officer As His Young Children Watch, Screaming For Help
Cop Shoots Unarmed Man in Back Lying Face Down in the Snow
Cops Fire 50+ Times into Unarmed Mentally Ill Man, Whose Mom Called 9-1-1 for 'Medical Help'
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Insane Video Shows Gang of Cops Beat 2 Non-violent Men for Walking Across the Street
Fire Marshall Shuts Down Officer Who Attempts To Violate His Rights
Battlefield 1- Dreadnought kamikaze kill! Banzai!
police warrantlessly barge into activists home part 2
After They Convicted Her of Assault on Police, 2 Years Later, Video Now Shows Cops Attacked HER