Videos archived from 19 February 2016 Evening
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League of Legends Epic Moments - Lucky Ultimate, That Jump, Terrible Save
League of Legends Epic Moments - Mind Games, Monster Slayer, Make Way Fool
League of Legends Epic Moments - Minion Block, Prison Time, Senses
League of Legends Epic Moments - Pro Thresh, Ghost Ahri, Orianna Outplay
League of Legends Epic Moments - Run Veigar, That Flash Taunt, Going Fishing
League of Legends Epic Moments - Sad Day Amumu, Riven Penta-, Beast Flash Blitz
League of Legends Epic Moments - Teamwork., High Life, Can't Catch Me
League of Legends Epic Moments - Teemo Die!, Lulu Outplay, Flying High, Synergy
League of Legends Epic Moments - Wall Glitch, Hunger Games, The Hooks
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League of Legends in a Nut Shell
Parodia de League of Legends - Call Me Maybe (Traducida al español)
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