Archived > 2015 August > 18 Evening > 212

Videos archived from 18 August 2015 Evening

PSM will stand in Semenyih and Jelapang
Canucks Return to the Stanley Cup Playoffs (2015) | #TowelPower
Shanahan: I wanted Peyton as Redskins QB, settled for RG3 trade
张秀福结束抗议归队挺国阵 干尼获关键支持力量撼吉祥
行动党中委会不受承认 冠英:"这是一个阴谋!"
Forum: 'What are the three key issues that will determine the outcome of the 13th GE'
Karachi: Khursheed Shah media talk
GE13: Kluang, set for three-cornered battle
Kajang wants Cikgu Lee
Kit Siang vs Ghani: Gelang Patah residents weigh in
Padang Serai voters wary of 'Frogs'
Foo Fighters - My Hero - NSFW LIVE Front Row in Colorado 16AUG2015
Sgt. Weichel's funeral: None surprised RI Guardsman gave his life for a child
420提名505投票 第十三届大选竞选期15天
Ahmad Maslan: Political climate hot but supporters must cool down
Homemade Ham Radio and Weather Satellite Antenna
Malaysiakini goes free from tomorrow for GE13!
原住民:只要解决我们的问题 必定全力支持林吉祥
GE13: Nominations on April 20, polls on May 5
Journey of the Heart - the Philippines
UX Gaming auf der Gamescom 2015!
颜炳寿支持何国忠竞选居銮 拒评隶属翁派不获上阵说法
"Ms. Tow Truck" Returns!
Ahmad Zahid: "Johor's Chinese voters different than rest"
KiniTV kicked out of Umno HQ
Ex-IGP: Enough evidence to reopen second SD probe
PAS VP: Sex video fake, distributing it against Islam
Perkasa veep Zulkifli Noordin takes on Khalid Samad
'Project Echo' - Pioneering Visualisation Technology Research
HSLS Episode 009 Part 1
MCA Youth released video criticising Kedah's Islamisation policy
Blockland Var level tutoral.(3)
Il passato è il mio bastone (trailer) di Rezza e Mastrella
Info Dept vehicles used at BN event
董总大选诉求:承认统考 否则人民用选票表态
Bersih invites Najib, Anwar to manifesto showdown
PKR: Only 14% of BN manifesto items are fresh
Forum: 'What are the three key issues that will determine the outcome of the 13th GE'
Kit Siang: Withdraw and we'll reconsider sack
LUCKYFISH - SHEQ Placements Africa
lucky bamboo aquarium
PSM: Semenyih 3-corner fight, ball in PKR's court
国阵最后候选人名单敲定 3成国席5成州席新人上阵
Let's Play Dragon Age Origins [German Deutsch HD] Part 240 Leliana Rache
GE13: Nomination day wrap-up, things you should know
'Caretaker gov't instructions given to all in Selangor'
GE13: Soi Lek: China is more corrupt but they're world's No 2
Najib, Muhyiddin and Khalid on Bersih's 'shame' list
Nouvelle Chaîne Multi-Gaming !! #Massacre au L91A1 sur Call of Duty Black ops [Gameplay]
Thousands throng Anwar ceramah in Malacca
¿De dónde salieron Los Juanelos? [VIDEO]
蔡细历:民联要在柔大胜 做梦才可能
Driving in the snow in suffolk UK 19/12/10 Mitsubishi Pajero
Star Citizen magyar összefoglaló - 5. rész
Bound by Contract trailer
Finger Family Minions | Minions Cartoon Animation Finger Family Nursery Rhymes For Children
Interação das radiações com a matéria viva
Selangor state assembly dissolved
Khaled to villagers: One vote for the Opposition & I can't help you
Pakatan seat negotiations ongoing, 3 states unresolved
蔡细历:换政府非换衣服 魏家祥驳斥5月5换政府
Drama in Johor: Salahuddin kicked out, UMNO branch dissolved & a candidate slighted
Husam for Putrajaya a 'high risk, high returns' run
PKR: Why were cops given postal ballots first?
العراق.. فنون قتالية خلال العطلة الصيفية!!
"我爱马华和国阵但它们不爱我" 姚长禄拒为巫统候选人助选
Lawyer: PI Bala's wife and kids missing
DAP: Polling staff forced to register as postal voters
Finger Family Lightning McQueen Cars | Disney Monster Cars Finger Family Children Nursery Songs
PET reciclado em um caiaque a bordo dos mares do Litoral Norte de São Paulo
School Days HQ Bad Ending Kotonoha's Death
Super Slim SuperDrive
'Homeless' Jui Meng backs Kit Siang
All About Me Tag (Intro vid)
Ghani: If Kit wins, Hadi might be PM
Muhyiddin calls out DAP's 'racist' campaign
Najib: BN's candidate list is final
Pakatan walkover in Bersih manifesto showdown
States follow Najib's lead, prepare for dissolution
柔州土著对行动党仍有顾忌 伊党领袖替吉祥站台消毒
Najib: Who do you trust - Anwar, Hadi or me?
How to Win Someone Back (I Want My Ex Back)
Finally, parliament is dissolved
Pakatan, BN leaders debate manifesto, ideologies & more at ASLI forum
"民主歌声唤明天" 艺人呼吁民众投票
Battleground 2013: DAP all set to conquer Johor
Battleground GE13: Chin Tong:"45% winning chance" in Kluang
Kamar Bayi laki-laki bertema "Aviation Room"untuk Daffa
Musa Hassan: Police must keep the peace
Protest as Najib appoints GE13 candidates
Star Stable Online: Just a Few Glitches