Archived > 2015 May > 14 Morning > 82

Videos archived from 14 May 2015 Morning

Marine Organisms Move due to Global Warming 全球暖化 海洋生物遷徙
Rockin' The Boat (3) - Offshore Radio
Crazy Chinese man slaughters five puppies at dog market
Details emerge in case of Detroit teen shot while seeking help after car accident
Obscene images posted by a Osaka's policeman; papers sent to prosecutors
Beagles to detect polar bears pregnancies
How a white conservative became a black politician
Ahmed Bukhatir (ummi - Mother) with Translation
Sexy mysterious Korean model's face revealed — the heartbreaking truth
Bus overturns in Malaysia's Batang Kali
Former baseball player arrested on rape charges
Four Americans killed in plane crash near the Bahamas
Haqqani network chief financier assassinated in Pakistan
Little man targets drunk girls outside of night clubs in Taiwan
New device in UK to restore bladder control to the paralyzed
Russian tycoon Sergei Polonsky arrested in Cambodian jungle
Justin Bieber brothel visit: Brazil woman tells all
Religious officer shot dead outside home in Malaysia
Snake in the toilet: snake attacks man's private parts
Horrific bus crash kills 29: bus and truck in head on collision
North Korea: 80 people killed for watching TV and owning bible
Street spies? Las Vegas to install streetlights that can record conversations
MQ-9 Reaper drone crashes into Lake Ontario during flight training
Plane crash in rural Canada kills five and causes power outage
Suspected Car Bomb Near Somali Hotel Kills 11
The biggest DVD rental shop in Kabukicho got busted for selling adult videos
Teacher's assistant has sex with 16-year-old schoolboy, faces 5 year's prison
Hong Kong woman kicks customs officer in the balls
Russian artist Pyotr Pavlensky nails scrotum to Red Square
Cougar attacks, kills Oregon wildlife caretaker
Mysterious underwater creature: Malaysian man catches creepy looking fish
Woman shot by police during garment workers protest in Cambodia
Iranian band Yellow Dogs members gunned down in Brooklyn
Jumprava - Zem Diviem Karogiem
Super Typhoon Haiyan devastates Philippines, killing estimated 10,000
Behind the Scenes: Ma Ying Jeou, the legend, the shoes
Google YouTube criticism: is Google trolling us all with its Google+ YouTube integration?
Japanese AV star Sora Aoi cheered at party for single men in Shanghai
Batman vs. Superman (2015) Official Trailer by NMA.
Detroit barbershop shooting leaves two dead, several injured
Stalker sends dead cockroaches to victim
Two airplanes collide at Buenos Aires airport
Kristen Forester, 18-year-old wearing bra and panties, gets arrested for DUI in Fort Pierce
North Korea executes 80 in brutal public killings: South Korean report
SmartLight redirects sunlight into building interiors
Suicide fail in Tokyo: woman jumps out window, falls on man
Syria crisis: 16 dead, dozens wounded in explosions in Damascus, Suweida
Colombia to protest against Russia for airspace violation
Justified shooting? Citizen kills two armed robbers in Reading, Pennsylvania
Miley Cyrus smoking weed video: singer lights joint at MTV EMA
Nanny cam shows child abuse: violent infant shaking caught on tape
New York shooting: two men injured at ice skating rink in Manhattan
Student commits suicide after falling prey to pyramid scheme fraud
Carol's Crazy Chinese: Eat Tofu (吃豆腐)
Rabbi finds $98K in $150 desk! What would you do?
SNSD Jessica injured again? Bodyguard mistakes idol for crazy fan!
Singapore drug prevention programme uses hair test to study drug use
Crazed female fan injures swimmer Ryan Lochte
Fake website owner steals passwords to look at classmates' grades
New nanoparticle detects harmful blood clots
Nintendo 3DS stops photo sharing
Qigong Training Spirit Qi 8 pieces of Silk Brocade
France's railway company tests use of drones to deter theft
Italian teen jumps from fourth-floor balcony after dad destroys PlayStation
Lockheed Martin unveils plans for new hypersonic spy plane
Mysterious death: Malaysian student dies while taking exam
Online gamer's quarrel leads to IRL stabbing
The Hunger Games: Catching Fire (2013) Official NMA Trailer
University of Manitoba researchers find ALS disease-altering gene
ANAL PROBE 2: Timothy Young also accuses New Mexico cops of forced rectal exams
Angry Birds Friends Tournament Week 156 Level 3 | power up HighScore ( 137.000k )
Iran deputy minister shot dead in capital
New Mexico police turn traffic stop into anal probe of driver David Eckert
Vicious assault: Two men videoed curb-stomping bystanders at Red Sox victory parade
Black teen Renisha McBride killed seeking help after car accident
Helicopter crashes in Indonesian Borneo jungle, 13 dead
Mes Chelsynoux des amours de furetons !
Sexual assault on a rubber boat by former policeman
Tea, Taxes, and The American Revolution: Crash Course World History #28
Man accidentally sets wife on fire at Georgia gas station
Anonymous hacks Australia's top spy agency
Ax-throwing woman Robyn Irvine chases off burglar in Hemet, California
FDA proposes to ban trans fats due to health risks
Mother burns disabled son to death in his own wheelchair
Travelling to Japan for Christmas?! Yeah, that's a thing!
Yasser Arafat may have been poisoned with polonium, forensic tests show
Iraq violence leaves dozens dead
New Jersey mall shooting: gunman found dead
Avengers 2: Age of Ultron OFFICIAL trailer by NMA
Bus hijacking in Norway leaves three dead, including driver
Texas birthday party gone wild: two teenagers killed, 20 injured
What Does the Fox Say? (parody) - What Does the Panda Say?
A drunk driver was arrested after a hit-and-run involving five middle school girls
Glasgow Penis Fireworks: happy ending to fireworks show
Malaysia car accident: baby in coma, parents hurt after mentally ill teenager hijacks their car
North Korean warships sank, at least 19 sailors killed
Quiksilver Pro France 2013 - Highlights Day 7