Archived > 2015 April > 15 Evening > 358

Videos archived from 15 April 2015 Evening

How To Check If The Moon Bigger On The Horizon
How To Deal With Your Baby's Daytime Naps
What attributes should I look for in a nanny?: Interviewing A Nanny
Who are the children needing adoption?: Adoption Basics
Are you ever going to die?: Top 10 Answers To Your Kid's Toughest Questions
Do I have to be British to adopt in the UK?: Who Can Adopt A Child
Do I need to provide any material to support my child's application?: Applying For A School
Do you have to be under a certain age to adopt?: Who Can Adopt A Child
How can I be a good friend to someone?: School Friends
How often are children injured in bicycle related accidents?: Bicycle Basics
What is an independent special school?: Schooling Options
What should I do if my child's school is in crisis and on the news?: Safety FAQs From Parents
How can I find out about an insurance company's claims history?: Private Schools
How can I lay the groundwork for my child to be interested in the arts?: Laying The Groundwork For L
How much will my baby develop during the first trimester?: First Trimester Of Pregnancy
I'm from a broken Home my friends tell me being in a gang is just like having a family is this true?
Is it normal for a baby to strain when having a bowel movement?: The Scoop On Poop
What do I do if my child has been abducted by a family member?: Family Abductions
Why do parents engage in parental alienation?: Parental Alienation
Can I get help to pay for a private education?: Private Schools
How can I get my child interested in reading and language arts?: Laying The Groundwork For Learning
How can I get my child interested in social studies?: Laying The Groundwork For Learning
How can I work out a revision timetable?: Revision Planning
My parents got divorced when I was very little - why am I not over it yet?: Dealing With Divorce
WTF! Deepika COPIED Dresses From Hollywood
What can I expect to spend on private education for one child, from the age of 4 to 18 ?: Private Sc
How can I stop my parents getting divorced?: Dealing With Divorce
How much can I receive in a scholarship or bursary?: Scholarships And Bursaries
My parents hate each other and are always using me to get at each other - what should I do?: Dealing
Whats the best time of day to revise?: Revision Planning
What is a bursary?: Scholarships And Bursaries
How can I join a homework club?: Falling Behind At School
How can depression be addressed in class and at home?: Depression And Education
How do I alleviate my nausea during my pregnancy?: First Trimester Of Pregnancy
How long can I revise without a break?: Revision Planning
What do I do when my child is having a temper tantrum at home?: Child Behavior: Temper Tantrums
What is a scholarship?: Scholarships And Bursaries
What will happen at a routine exam during my pregnancy?: First Trimester Of Pregnancy
How do I ensure the quality of a third wheel attachment?: Bicycles, Tandems And 3-Wheelers
How do I go about getting Home Responsibilities Protection?: Family Benefits
How should I choose a bank account?: Student Bank Accounts
Is anyone eligible for a maternity grant?: Family Benefits
News Bulletin 6pm April 15, 2015
Should I increase my overdraft if I need more money?: Student Bank Accounts
What is "depression"?: Depression And Education
When can I claim for maternity allowance?: Family Benefits
Who is eligible for maternity allowance?: Family Benefits
Why do children have temper tantrums?: Child Behavior: Temper Tantrums
At what age can a child ride a third wheel attachment?: Bicycles, Tandems And 3-Wheelers
How can I keep my child safe while riding a third wheel attachment?: Bicycles, Tandems And 3-Wheeler
How do I choose the best birthing class?: Birthing Classes
How do I know if my baby has failure to thrive?: Newborn And Infant Nutrition And Growth Basics
How do I properly attach a third wheel attachment?: Bicycles, Tandems And 3-Wheelers
Should I worry if my child is outside the normal growth chart range?: Newborn And Infant Nutrition A
What do I do if my baby has failure to thrive?: Newborn And Infant Nutrition And Growth Basics
Do I need to schedule "downtime" for my child?: Time Management And Scheduling
How can I help an underachiever improve his performance?: Falling Behind In School
What can I do about a child who wakes up late every morning?: Time Management And Scheduling
What is a "bicycle helmet"?: Bicycle Basics
AFRIQUE DU SUD. Violences xénophobes à Johannesbourg
How do vibrations make sound?: How To Have Fun With Science
How do we make sounds that are both high and low?: How To Have Fun With Science
What is the hottest place on earth?: Fun Science: Weather
How do my eyes play tricks on me?: How To Have Fun With Science
Is it true that all snowflakes are different?: Fun Science: Weather
What is a "jet stream"?: Fun Science: Weather
Where do tornadoes come from?: Fun Science: Weather
Where does the wind come from?: Fun Science: Weather
Why do clouds float?: Fun Science: Weather
Why do we get a shock from electricity?: Fun Science: Forces Of Nature
Am I required to have prenatal diagnostic tests while I am pregnant?: Prenatal Tests
If I've had a cesarean birth can I have a vaginal birth in the future?: Cesarean Birth
Is there electricity in clouds?: Fun Science: Weather
What are the chances of having a child with a birth defect?: Prenatal Tests
What are the risks of a cesarean birth?: Cesarean Birth
What are the risks of an ultrasound exam?: Prenatal Tests
What are the symptoms of fetal alcohol syndrome?: Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
When will my doctor test me for preeclampsia?: Preeclampsia
How do I know if my baby is at risk for fetal alcohol syndrome?: Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
How is fetal alcohol syndrome diagnosed?: Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
How is preeclampsia treated?: Preeclampsia
What is an "ultrasound exam"?: Prenatal Tests
When should I use my credit card?: Credit Cards
How can I find a job?: Student Work
How do I choose the best obstetrical caregiver for my needs?: Obstetrical Caregivers
How is fetal alcohol syndrome treated?: Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
How much money do I have to earn to be eligible to pay income tax?: Student Work
How should I wash my newborn's clothes?: Baby Bathing And Skin Care
What is "fetal alcohol syndrome"?: Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
What is an obstetrician compared to a perinatologist?: Obstetrical Caregivers
How do I bathe my baby?: Baby Bathing And Skin Care
How should I care for my newborn's skin?: Baby Bathing And Skin Care
How will a school suspension affect my child?: Disciplining Students
I have earned less than my personal allowance but my employer has charged me tax - what can I do?: S
Is it okay for me to prohibit my child from an after-school activity?: After-School Activities
Should I work during term time?: Student Work
What is "detention"?: Disciplining Students
What is "preeclampsia"?: Preeclampsia
What is an "obstetrical caregiver"?: Obstetrical Caregivers