Archived > 2015 April > 15 Evening > 347

Videos archived from 15 April 2015 Evening

How can I help my child adjust to a nanny or au pair?: Hiring Nannies
What interview questions should I ask a nanny or au pair?: Hiring Nannies
CANE CORSO Entrenamiento de Ovediencia
Beauties of Arabic women 1
Tegan and Sara - too hot or not
Is an au pair a full time child carer?: Au Pairs
horror Fun Must Watch - Best TimePass
Can I ask my childminder to work weekends?: Childminders Explained
Can anorexia be cured?: Recovering From Anorexia
How do I make my au pair feel at home?: Au Pairs
A Guide To Learning To Revise Successfully
What do I do if I am not happy with my childminder?: Childminders Explained
Why should I get an au pair?: Au Pairs
Does the child have any say in the choice of parents?: Being Adopted
How can I use symbolism effectively in my poem?: Poetry Techniques
How many galaxies are you looking to classify through Galaxy Zoo?: Galaxy Zoo
How should a student showing warning signs of violent behavior be handled?: Warning Signs Of Violent
What is Galaxy Zoo?: Galaxy Zoo
If the universe is infinite and expanding what's it expanding into?: Studying The Universe
What factors are taken into account when deciding who the child is placed with?: Being Adopted
What is an adoption panel?: Adoption Assessment
What size is the Universe?: Studying The Universe
What would your advice be to anyone interested in getting involved in astronomy?: Studying The Unive
When is a child too old to be adopted?: Being Adopted
How does arsenic found in outdoor decks spread?: Toxins In The Yard And Garden
How was dioxin discovered to be toxic to humans?: Dioxin And PCBs Explained
CPR KiDS - First Aid for the choking child or baby
What are the major party positions on gay rights?: Political Parties And Social Issues
New Zealand clip
Bad Religion - Stranger Than Fiction
Myth- President Bush made a unilateral decision to invade Iraq?: Myths About Presidential Power
Chickens Dirt Bathing
How To Educate Your Kids About Money
How To Face Paint The Butterfly
How To Face Paint The Monster
When did opposition to the death penalty start in the US?: Death Penalty In The US
Am I allowed to choose who I want to foster?: Becoming A Foster Carer
Do I receive a salary for being a foster carer?: Becoming A Foster Carer
How To Have More Freedom From Your Parents
How do I prevent baby bottle tooth decay?: How To Prevent Baby Bottle Tooth Decay
Is being a foster carer a full time profession?: Becoming A Foster Carer
What do foster carers do?: Becoming A Foster Carer
Would previous convictions prevent someone from fostering?: Becoming A Foster Carer
Can anyone be a foster carer?: Becoming A Foster Carer
How To Keep Your Kids Safe On The Internet
How can I find out what discounts are available?: How To Find Out What Discounts Are Available
How can I get rid of someone with whom I have a roommate agreement?: How To Get Rid Of Someone With
I don't get on with my roommates - what can I do?: Student Life: How To Get On With Your Roommates
What is the best way to approach shared finances with your new roommate?: How To Best Approach Share
How and when should I bring up the issue of drugs and alcohol?: How To Bring Up The Issue Of Drugs A
How can I make sure my new roommate will uphold their financial obligations?: How To Make Sure Your
How can I manage my time in an exam?: How To Manage Your Time In An Exam
How can I narrow my pool of prospective roommate candidates?: How To Narrow Your Pool Of Prospective
How can I use the time between lectures effectively?: How To Use The Time Between Lectures Effective
How do I apply for a grant?: How To Apply For A Student Grant
How do I know I'm ready to share my space with someone else?: How To Know If You Are Ready For A Roo
When should I introduce a sippy cup to my baby?: How To Introduce A Sippy Cup To Your Baby
How can I cope with the extra pressure at university?: How To Cope With The Extra Pressure At Univer
How can I find out more about the university staff?: How To Find Out More About The University Staff
How can I get rid of a roommate who is not on the lease?: How To Get Rid Of A Roommate Who Is Not On
How can I make the most of seminars and tutorials?: How To Make The Most Of Seminars And Tutorials
How can I strike a balance between fun time and study time?: How To Get The Balance Between Fun Time
How can we find out more about the Universe beyond our solar system?: How To Find Out More About The
How do I avoid panicking during an exam?: How To Avoid Panicking During An Exam
How do I pick which books to read?: How To Pick Which Books To Read For Independent Learning
How should I review the first draft?: How To Review The First Draft Of Your Essay
How can I gather information for the essay?: How To Gather Information For An Essay
How can I make sure I am revising correctly?: How To Make Sure You Are Revising Correctly For School
How can I make sure I don't lose my work if my computer crashes?: How To Ensure You Don't Lose Your
How can I use diagrams in my lecture notes?: How To Use Diagrams In Your Lecture Notes
How can I use feedback effectively?: How To Use Feedback On Your Essay Effectively
How should I make notes about my reading material?: How To Make Notes About Your Reading Material Th
How should I organise my time?: Student Life: How To Organise Your Time
How should I take notes in lectures?: How To Take Notes In Lectures
How can I help my child to study?: How To Help Your Child To Study
How can I know if my child is doing enough revision?: How To Know If Your Child Is Doing Enough Revi
How can I make sure I don't forget what I've revised the day before?: How To Make Sure You Don't For
How can I prevent dioxin exposure?: How To Prevent Dioxin Exposure
How do you start taking up astronomy?: How To Take Up Astronomy
How should I interpret the results of a water test?: How To Interpret The Results Of A Drinking Wate
How can I minimize my exposure to dangerous household products?: How To Minimize Your Exposure To Da
How can I start a Fair Trade movement in my community?: How To Start A Fair Trade Movement In Your C
How can I work out a revision timetable?: How To Work Out A Revision Timetable
How do I clean up moldy walls or ceilings in my home?: How To Clean Up Mouldy Walls Or Ceilings In Y
George Bush Doesn't Care About Black People (Music Video)
How can I be a good friend to someone?: How To Be A Good School Friend To Someone
How can I make the most of a study period?: How To Make The Most Of A Study Period
How can I protect myself from the arsenic in pressure-treated outdoor decks?: How To Protect Yoursel
Ivan Staykov - I Left My Heart In San Francisco
How can I avoid exposure to dangerous phthalates?: How To Avoid Exposure To Dangerous Phthalates In
How can I decrease my exposure to indoor VOCs?: How To Decrease Your Exposure To Indoor VOCs
How can I get in the cool crowd?: How To Get In With The Cool Crowd At School
How will I know if I will be able to make friends easily?: How To Know If You Will Be Able To Make F
What should I do if my friend at school is depressed?: How To Act If Your Friend At School Is Depres
How can I join a homework club?: How To Join A Homework Club If You Are Falling Behind At School
How can I start a clique?: How To Start A Clique Of School Friends
How do I know if I am at risk for a premature birth?: How To Know If You Are At Risk For A Premature
I've fallen out with my friends - how can I make it up with them?: How To Make It Up With Your Frien
What can I do if I think a teacher is giving too much work?: How To Act If You Think A Teacher Is Gi
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