Videos archived from 15 April 2015 Evening
How much does a child cost to look after in his or her first year of life?: Cost Of ChildcareWhat areas should I concentrate on in the interview?: Interviewing A Nanny
What is a SENCo?: SEN Personnel
What is the difference between a childminder a nanny and an au pair?: Childcare Defined
Ca Dao Em Và Tôi - Lâm Bảo Phi
Can family and friends help out with the cost of having a baby?: Cost Of Childcare
How do I apply to re-sit the exam?: Results
I believe my exam should have been graded higher, what can I do?: Results
What is a re-mark?: Results
What sort of potential adoptive parents are agencies looking for?: Who Can Adopt A Child
I didn't get the grades I needed for my offers - what can I do?: University Clearing
What are my responsibilities as my nanny's employer?: Terms Of Employment And Contracts
What is Clearing?: University Clearing
What type of rules should I set for my child?: Parenting Rules And Values
When would my baby need donor milk?: Breast Feeding
At what age should I stop breastfeeding a child?: Breast Feeding
Breastfeeding - Mother's Diet
Can I abruptly stop feeding my baby at night?: Night Time Nursing And Children
What are the developmental milestones for babies within the first 2 months?: Child Development Miles
What different childcare services are available?: Childcare Defined
How do seeds grow into plants?: Fun Science: Plants
Saas Bina Sasural (Pal) 15th April 2015 Video Watch Online pt1
Why is it important not to ask my child questions when he is misbehaving?: Child Communication: Issu
Chinese president to address joint session of parliament
How soon after conception can I take a home pregnancy test?: About Pregnancy Tests
How do I answer uncomfortable questions from my child?: Child Communication: Issues
How do I end a series of "why-questions" with my child?: Child Communication: Issues
How do I know if I'm being too strict or too permissive with my children?: Parenting Rules And Value
Is it risky to have someone else breastfeed my baby?: Breast Feeding
Should I nurse my baby whenever he cries at night?: Night Time Nursing And Children
What are "noble gases"?: Fun Science: Things We Cannot See
When should my baby start a bedtime routine for my baby?: Healthy Sleep For Babies
How do I catch colds?: Fun Science: The Human Body
How do I communicate with a child who is angry or emotional?: Child Communication: Issues
How do I confront my child if I know he has done something wrong?: Child Communication: Issues
How do I establish rules for my child?: Parenting Rules And Values
How do I say "no" to my child's request without making him angry?: Child Communication: Issues
What are the normal behaviors to expect when I bring my baby home?: Bringing Home Baby
What is the difference between a virus and a bacteria?: Fun Science: The Human Body
Why do we get "goose bumps"?: Fun Science: The Human Body
How do I communicate with a child in order to solve behavior problems?: Child Communication: Issues
I don't want to share a bedroom with my stepsister - what can I do?: Step Brothers And Sisters
I like my step sister but my real sister doesn't. How can I get them to become closer?: Step Brother
Is it normal for my baby to mumble and move while she sleeps?: Healthy Sleep For Babies
My step brother is disruptive - what can I do?: Step Brothers And Sisters
My step mum has just had my dad's baby - why do I resent the baby?: Step Brothers And Sisters
Why do I need food?: Fun Science: The Human Body
Why do I sometimes remember my dreams, and other times I don't?: Fun Science: The Human Body
Will it ever get easier to divide my time between my two families?: Step Brothers And Sisters
Can I travel with my newborn?: Bringing Home Baby
How do I my eyes see color?: Fun Science: The Human Body
What happens to food when I eat it?: Fun Science: The Human Body
What time of day should my child begin sleep training?: Child Sleep Training Steps
Why do I get "brain freeze" when I eat ice cream?: Fun Science: The Human Body
Why does my tongue get stuck on metal in the winter?: Fun Science: The Human Body
Can I borrow money as an overseas student?: Applying For A Student Loan
Can I choose to borrow more or less from year to year?: Applying For A Student Loan
How can I get my child involved in family finances?: Savings And Trust Funds
How do I hold and carry a newborn?: Bringing Home Baby
What are the complete steps of sleep training?: Child Sleep Training Steps
What is an "umbilical stump"?: Bringing Home Baby
Can someone else set up a premium bond for my child on my behalf?: Savings And Trust Funds
Do all babies exhibit the same sleep patterns?: Healthy Sleep For Babies
How do I select a child trust fund provider?: Savings And Trust Funds
Is there any free childcare available?: Financing Childcare
What should I expect to pay for a childminder?: Financing Childcare
What should I expect to pay for a nursery?: Financing Childcare
When can I expect my baby to sleep through the night?: Healthy Sleep For Babies
When should I move my baby's crib out of my bedroom?: Healthy Sleep For Babies
Why can't my baby sleep through the night?: Healthy Sleep For Babies
How do I apply?: Applying For A Student Loan
How do I set up a trust fund for my child?: Savings And Trust Funds
How do you choose which subject to study?: Choosing A Higher Education Course
Is there any help from the government with the cost of childcare?: Financing Childcare
What if my baby is not in the normal position during birth?: Childbirth Complications
What is working tax credit?: Savings And Trust Funds
What research should I do when choosing a savings account for my child?: Savings And Trust Funds
Who is eligible for working tax credit?: Savings And Trust Funds
How can I find out what current students think of a course?: Choosing A Higher Education Course
How will I benefit from child tax credit?: Savings And Trust Funds
Is it important to leave time to check my answers at the end?: Exam Technique
Should I choose a subject with the same title as the career I am interested in?: Choosing A Higher E
What can I do if I think my friend is depressed?: Depression At University
What happens if I go to my new school and I don't like it?: Changing Schools
What is higher education?: Choosing A Higher Education Course
What's the best savings account for my child?: Savings And Trust Funds
Can I change schools halfway through the year?: Changing Schools
Can I set up a premium bond for my child when they are born?: Savings And Trust Funds
How can I avoid spending too long on one question?: Exam Technique
How can I manage my time in an exam?: Exam Technique
How do I avoid panicking before an exam?: Exam Technique
How will my child benefit from a trust fund?: Savings And Trust Funds
What are some of the causes of depression?: Depression At University
What can I do to combat depression?: Depression At University
What should I do if I begin to run out of time?: Exam Technique
Whats the first thing I should do when I go into an exam?: Exam Technique
Breastfeeding - Why should you?
Dieta Para Perder Barriga En 1 Semana
How can I check my cervical mucus to know when I'm ovulating?: Ovulation